Simple pet clinic application for managing appointments and operations. There are two roles: Client and Doctor. Four bounded contexts:
- Identity
- Adoptions
- Appointments
- MedicalRecords
Identity context contains the doctor/client registrations.
Adoptions context has the following functionality:
- All pets available for adoption
- Details
- Add new pet
- Adopt pet (which is available only for clients)
Appointments has:
- List of all for the current member
- Make new as client
- Make new as doctor
- Update date
- Remove
Medical records bounded context consists of:
- List of all clients
- List of all doctors
- Client details
- Doctor details
- Add diagnose - for pets
- Add new pet (to client)
- ASP.NET Core + EF Core 3.1
- FluentValidation
- MediatR + CQRS
- AutoMapper
- Bogus
- FakeItEasy
- Fluent Assertions
- JwtBearer
- Scrutor
- Swagger
- Moq
- Shouldly