System Lambda is a collection of functions for testing code that uses java.lang.System
- 0
Capture ProcessBuilder process out/err
#36 opened by sansp00 - 0
Add possiblitily to mock System.console()
#35 opened by PavelD - 0
Catch the logs from callback method
#34 opened by sachinkshetty - 0
maven jar committed to repository is disseminated on clone and fork as well as .editconfig
#33 opened by FreedomFaighter - 13
illegal reflective access update
#31 opened by FreedomFaighter - 3
- 3
illegal reflective access operation
#10 opened by cemeyer2 - 0
- 11
System lambda is incompatible with JDK 16.
#23 opened by brendandburns - 2
Is there an example of how to use system-lambda in combination with Spring?
#28 opened by jimshowalter - 2
Release notes
#26 opened by binkley - 5
- 4
SystemLambda class Documentation: examples assertThrownBy is an unknown method
#25 opened by MiBiT-Discuss - 1
Allow to catch abnormal system exits
#24 opened by dasteg - 2
[Feature Request] Provide facility to change the current working directory
#22 opened by christianhujer - 1
Optional SystemExit Test
#21 opened by tomaculum - 4
How to check SystemExit and SystemOut
#20 opened by tomaculum - 5
JUnit5 integration
#9 opened by ashleyfrieze - 1
Does InputStream need to be home-made?
#17 opened by ashleyfrieze - 2
How to assert no exception
#11 opened by spartanhooah - 0
- 2
Request: Return values for .execute(...)
#6 opened by NguyenAndrew - 2
Still active?
#4 opened by vincentfree - 2
Maven repository release?
#1 opened by mtbc