
Javascript Examples

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Examples

🎉 Playground for testing and experimenting with various Javascript libraries, frameworks, ...


🏃 Runtime

Project Description Website
Node JS Asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime https://nodejs.org
Deno Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript https://deno.land

An overview of Node JS libraries, frameworks, ... can be found in the 'node-examples' subfolder


📦 Build Managers

Project Description Website
Webpack JavaScript module bundler https://webpack.js.org
Snowpack Lightweight build tool for the modern web https://snowpack.dev
Parcel JS Fast, zero configuration web application bundler https://parceljs.org
Broccoli JavaScript build tool exposing a simple JavaScript API https://broccoli.build
Brunch https://brunch.io
Grunt JS JavaScript Task Runner https://gruntjs.com
Rollup JS Module bundler for JavaScript https://rollupjs.org
Gulp JS Automate workflows and compose them into build pipelines https://gulpjs.com
Jspm JavaScript build tool https://jspm.org

📦 GIT Hooks

Project Description Website
Husky Modern native git hooks https://typicode.github.io/husky

📦 Code Style

Project Description Website
Webpack Code formatter https://prettier.io

📦 Linters

Project Description Website
ESLint Find coding problems, auto-fix them or fail https://eslint.org

📦 Polyfills

Project Description Website
Core JS Modular standard library for JavaScript which includes polyfills github.com/zloirock/core-js


⚙ Compilers

Project Description Website
Babel JS JavaScript compiler babeljs.io


📚 Code Documentation

Project Description Website
JSDoc API documentation generator for JavaScript https://jsdoc.app

📚 Demo

Project Description Website
Storybook Open source tool for building UI components and pages in isolation https://storybook.js.org


🚦 Test Frameworks

Project Description Website
Mocha JS JavaScript Test framework running on Node JS and in the browser https://mochajs.org
Jasmine BDD test framework for testing JavaScript code https://jasmine.github.io
Jest JavaScript Testing Framework https://jestjs.io
QUnit JavaScript Testing Framework https://qunitjs.com

🚦 Test Runners

Project Description Website
Karma Test Runner for JavaScript allowing to execute in the browsers https://karma-runner.github.io
AVA Node JS test runner https://github.com/avajs/ava
Selenium In browser web application automation for testing https://www.selenium.dev
Cypress Testing for anything that runs in a browser https://www.cypress.io
Web Test Runner Test runner for web applications https://modern-web.dev/docs/test-runner/overview
Hapi JS - Lab Test runner for the Hapi framework, but usable on it's own https://github.com/hapijs/lab

🚦 Test Assertion Libraries

Project Description Website
Chai JS BDD / TDD assertion library for Node JS and the browser https://www.chaijs.com
Supertest Super-agent driven library for testing Node JS HTTP servers using a fluent API https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest
Hapi JS - Code BDD assertion library for the Hapi framework, bu usable on it's own https://github.com/hapijs/code

🚦 Test Mock Libraries

Project Description Website
Sinon JS Spies, spubs and mocks for JavaScript https://sinonjs.org
Test Double JS TDD mock library for JavaScript https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js

🚦 Test Coverage Libraries

Project Description Website
Istanbul JavaScript test coverage https://istanbul.js.org


🛠 Frontend Frameworks

Project Description Website
React JS JavaScript library for building user interfaces https://reactjs.org

🛠 MVC Frameworks

Project Description Website
Carbon JS MVC framework for Node JS which uses Express JS https://www.carbonjs.com

IO / Input Output

⌨ CLI (Command-line interface)

Project Description Website
Yargs Helps build interactive command line tools by parsing arguments and generating an elegant user interface https://yargs.js.org


⚡ Reactive

Project Description Website
Rx JS A reactive programming library for JavaScript https://rxjs.dev

⚡ State

Project Description Website
Redux Predictable State Container for JS Apps https://redux.js.org
Redux Observable RxJS-based middleware for Redux https://redux-observable.js.org

UI / UX - User Interface / User Experience

🗺 UI Frameworks

Project Description Website
Kendo UI Collection of JavaScript responsive UI components https://www.telerik.com/kendo-ui
Bootstrap Build responsive mobile-first sites, using components https://getbootstrap.com
Ant Design Design system for enterprise-level products https://ant.design

🗺 Forms

Project Description Website
Choices JS Lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin https://joshuajohnson.co.uk/Choices

🍭 Syntax Highlighters

Project Description Website
Prism JS Lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter https://prismjs.com
Highlight JS Syntax highlighter https://highlightjs.org

📝 Text Editors

Project Description Website
Code Mirror Text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser https://codemirror.net
Ace Open source Code editor written in JavaScript https://ace.c9.io

🗺 Maps

Project Description Website
Open Layers High-performance map library https://openlayers.org

🤝 Collaboration

Project Description Website
Together JS JavaScript library that adds collaboration features and tools https://togetherjs.com

🤝 Charts

Project Description Website
Mermaid JS JavaScript diagramming and charting tools https://mermaid.js.org

Util Libraries

💡 Lang

Project Description Website
Lodash JavaScript utility library https://lodash.com
Underscore JS A whole mess of useful functional programming helpers https://underscorejs.org

✅ Validation

Project Description Website
Yup JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation https://github.com/jquense/yup
Validate JS Provides a declarative way of validating javascript objects https://validatejs.org
Joi JavaScript schema description language and data validator https://joi.dev

🦺 Error Handling

Project Description Website
Hapi JS - Boom HTTP-friendly error objects https://github.com/hapijs/boom

⏰ Date & Time

Project Description Website
Moment JS Parse, validate, manipulate, display dates & times in JavaScript https://momentjs.com
Luxon Wrapper for JavaScript dates & times https://moment.github.io/luxon)
Day JS Fast 2kB alternative to Moment JS with the same modern API https://day.js.org)
Moment Timezone Parse and display dates in any timezone https://momentjs.com/timezone)
Date FNS JavaScript date utility library https://date-fns.org)
JS Joda Immutable date and time library for javascript https://js-joda.github.io/js-joda

📑 Text Search

Project Description Website
Lunr JS Small, full-text search library for the browser.
It indexes JSON documents and provides simple search interface

🗺 Maps

Project Description Website
Proj4 JS JavaScript library to transforms geospatial coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another http://proj4js.org

💬 Http Request / Response

Project Description Website
Axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node JS https://github.com/axios/axios


🤞 Feature Support

Project Description Website
Can I Use Check feature support in browsers https://caniuse.com

📓 Notebooks / Runtime Environments

Project Description Website
RunKit Sandboxed JavaScript environment with switchable Node JS versions, use npm modules, and visualize results. https://runkit.com
JS Console Javascript runtime for jquery, underscore, lodash, moment and datefns. https://jsconsole.com

📺 Live Coding

Project Description Website
JS Fiddle Live coding, collaboration and playground https://jsfiddle.net
JS Bin Live coding, collaboration and playground https://jsbin.com
Plunker Live coding, collaboration and playground https://plnkr.co
Codepen Live coding, collaboration and playground https://codepen.io
Stackblitz Live coding, collaboration and playground https://stackblitz.com

📦 Component Usage

Project Description Website
Omlet Component analytics tool that scans codebase to detect components & their usage https://docs.omlet.dev