
Oracle APEX (Application Express) Interactive Grid Cheat Sheet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Oracle APEX Interactive Grid Cheat Sheet

This Cheat Sheet is a collection of code snippets and blog posts/ forum entries related to the APEX Interactive Grid.

JS Docs for 18.2


JS Docs for 19.1


Get Widget

this is the base object for all operations



calling the methods from the Interactive Grid API

//and so on

Get Record

var grid    = apex.region('emp').call('getViews','grid'); 
var model   = grid.model; 
var record  = model.getRecord(vRecordId);

Get Grid Options


Get Model Options


For possible options look at model.js defaultOptions object

Get Selected Records

From the model:


Selected DOM elements


Check Edit Mode

To check if IG is in edit mode use this:


Set Column Value

var grid        = apex.region('emp').call('getViews','grid');  
var model       = grid.model; 
var record      = model.getRecord(vRecordId);
model.setValue(record,'ENAME', vEname);

Initial Grid Configuration

function(config) {

    if (!config.toolbar) {
        config.toolbar = {};
    config.toolbar.searchField = false; // hide toolbar search field 

    config.toolbar.actionMenu = false; // hide toolbar action menu

    // disable column reorder
    config.views.grid.features.reorderColumns = false;

    // enable selection persistance across different pages
    config.views.grid.features.persistSelection = true;

    // hide grid footer
    config.views.grid.features.footer = false;
    // disable initial selection
    config.initialSelection = false;

    // row selector properties. note that declarative options will override these
    config.views.grid.features.multiple = true;	// multiple selection
    config.views.grid.features.selectAll = true; // selectAll button

    //display rownumbers instead of selector
    config.views.grid.features.rowHeader = 'sequence';

    // turn off auto add row feature
    config.editable.autoAddRow = false;

    // remove certain actions. see list here
    config.initActions = function( actions ) {
    // always return the config object
    return config;

Initial Grid Column Configuration

function(config) {
    // create 'features' object if it does not exist
    config.features = config.features || {};
    config.features.sort = false;
    config.features.aggregate = false;

    config.defaultGridViewOptions = {
        resizeColumns: false,
        noHeaderActivate: true //The noHeaderActivate option still allows resize, reordering and sorting of columns.

    return config;

Refresh Selected Rows (for Editable IG)


For non-editable IG look at http://roelhartman.blogspot.hr/2017/07/refresh-selected-rows-in-interactive.html

Refresh IG on tab activation

  1. Add static ID (for example tabs) to the tabs region.
  2. Add to page attribute execute when page loads:
$("#tabs").on("atabsactivate", function(event, ui) {
    if (ui.showing) {

Refresh IG on Region Display Selector activation

$('.apex-rds').data('onRegionChange', function(mode, activeTab) {  
  if (activeTab.href != "#SHOW_ALL"){  


To list actions call:

apex.region("emp").call("getActions").list().forEach(function(a) { console.log("Action Label: " + a.label + ", Name: " + a.name + (a.choice !== undefined ? ", Choice: " + a.choice : "") ); });

To call action use: apex.region("emp").call("getActions").invoke("show-sort-dialog");

Adding Row Actions

    .items.push({type:"action", label:"Hi", action: function(){alert("Hi")}});

More on John's blog

To add custom row action to specific position in row action menu use this JS code (only change second if statement) and add it to the Function and Global Variable Declaration page property:

$(function() {
  $("#emp").on("interactivegridviewchange", function(event, data) {
    if ( data.view === "grid" && data.created ) {
      var view$ = apex.region("emp").call("getViews", "grid");
      if (view$.rowActionMenu$){
        var menu$ = view$.rowActionMenu$.menu("option").items;          
        for (i = 0; i < menu$.length; i++ ) {
          if (menu$[i].action === 'row-duplicate'){
                       , 0
                       , {
                          label:"After Copy Action",
                          icon: "fa fa-user",
                          action: function(menu, element) {
                            var record = view$.getContextRecord( element )[0];
                            alert('After copy action: '+view$.model.getValue(record, "EMPNO"));

Demo is available here

To list all action names see Actions paragraph above. More on OTN

Cancel changes and refresh grid

var view = apex.region("emp").call("getCurrentView");

if ( view.internalIdentifier === "grid" ) { // only grid supports editing

Focus IG


Interactive Grid Events

  • interactivegridviewmodelcreate

    explanation and example here

  • interactivegridviewchange

  • interactivegridcreate

  • interactivegridreportsettingschange

  • interactivegridselectionchange

  • interactivegridsave

    Fires after the save event of the IG has finished. Similar to the "afterrefresh" event of an Interactive Report. You can use this as a Custom Event in a Dynamic Action.

Blog Posts

John Snyders (Oracle APEX dev team)

Interactive Grid: Under the Hood

Interactive Grid column widths

How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 1

How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 2

How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 3

APEX Interactive Grid API Improvements in 5.1.1

How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 4

APEX Client-Side Validation

APEX Interactive Grid Cookbook

Some minor new things in APEX 18.2

Other Links

Interactive Grid: Download as PDF with jsPDF by MENNO HOOGENDIJK

Pimp my Grid App - IG Sample App

How to Fix Blank Toolbar DIV


Hidden and display columns

How to set value of a hidden column

How to set value of a display column


Process Selected Rows

Disabled Cells

Disable Column Actions How to validate disable cell in interactive grid?

Readonly Cells

Making Columns Readonly

Disable Column Resize, Sort, Reorder Columns

The noHeaderActivate option still allows resize, reordering and sorting columns. In 5.1.1 you can disable those features with the Advanced JavaScript Code the config options are config.views.grid.features: resizeColumns, reorderColumns, sort

Interactive Report vs Interactive Grid


Horizontal Scroll

https://community.oracle.com/thread/4050640 https://community.oracle.com/thread/3812273

Interactive grid color based on a value


Grid Selection (copy to clipboard)


Highlight Row/Cell


Set Selected Rows After Refresh


More About Selecting Grid Rows


Interactive Grid with more than one table


How to validate IG column values on page load


How To's