
Testing suite for OpenCart Extension Development

Primary LanguagePHP

OpenCart Testing Suite


The development of custom extensions for OpenCart gets tedious at the point where unit testing needs to be done. The intend of this project is to provide a simple approach for setting up a test suite for custom OpenCart development.

Roadmap / Ideas / ...

  • Provide a simple approach for testing custom controllers, models, extensions
  • Provide a simple acceptance testing approach for selenium
  • Provide a simple approach for running tests on a CI-Server (like Jenkins)
  • ...



  • Install composer on your machine
  • An installed version of opencart

Steps to use

  • create a folder in the root of your OpenCart installation (e.g. tests/)
  • add a composer.json file wihtin the folder, and add the following:
	"require": {
		"beyondit/opencart-test-suite": "0.2.1"
  • run composer update to download the necessary project dependencies
  • create a UnitTest and extend it from OpenCartTest class, e.g.:
class MyTest extends OpenCartTest {	
    public function testSomething() {			
  • run vendor/bin/phpunit MyTest inside your test folder


Testing a Model

class ModelCatalogManufacturerTest extends OpenCartTest {	
	public function testASpecificManufacturer() {
		// load the manufacturer model
		$model = $this->loadModelByRoute("catalog/manufacturer");
		$manufacturer = $model->getManufacturer(5);		
		// test a specific assertion
		$this->assertEquals('HTC', $manufacturer['name']);

Testing a Controller

class ControllerAccountWishListTest extends OpenCartTest {	
	public function testAddingASpecificProductToTheCart() {
		$controller = $this->loadControllerByRoute("checkout/cart");
		$this->request->post['product_id'] = 28;

		// use $this->getOutput() to access the rendered response as a string
		$output = json_decode($this->getOutput(),true);	
		$this->assertTrue(isset($output['success']) && isset($output['total']));
		$this->assertEquals(1,preg_match('/HTC Touch HD/', $output['success']));


Testing With Logged In Customers

class ControllerAccountWishListTest extends OpenCartTest {	
	public function testTheContentsOfALoggedInCustomersWishList() {
		$controller = $this->loadControllerByRoute("account/wishlist");	
		$this->assertEquals(1,preg_match('/Your wish list is empty./', $this->getOutput()));

Testing Classes from Admin

In order to test classes inside the admin folder just call your test class ending with AdminTest e.g. ModelCatalogCategoryAdminTest

Testing With Selenium

Running Acceptance (Functional) Tests with Selenium requires a standalone selenium server on your machine. The server can be downloaded from here. Before starting your Selenium Tests you have to run the standalone server: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar. Writing Selenium Tests requires you to extend the OpenCartSeleniumTest class.

class SeleniumShoppingCartTest extends OpenCartSeleniumTest {	
    protected function setUp()
    public function testIfTheRightPriceIsSetForAProductInTheCart()
        $element = $this->byCssSelector(".cart-info tbody .price");

        $this->assertEquals("$589.50", $element->text());


This project is at an initial stage, however already provides lots of convenience for testing OpenCart Components and can increase development productivity. Feel free to provide some feedback!