
Demonstration of Shiny for dashboard with a runchart.

Primary LanguageR


Demonstration of Shiny for dashboard with a runchart.

Available online on shiny.io at

Run yourself

If you want to run this demonstration yourself, it is necessary to update the authentication values.

  1. Go to https://github.com/settings/developers

  2. Register a new 'OAuth application'; the 'Callback URL' was set to http://localhost:1410 for this one.

  3. Update app.R lines 28-30 (ish):

    myapp <- oauth_app(appname = "R/Shiny Github Runchart", key = "fd2195405c8488f56680", secret = "fe06be1b88b010fc95dbc226eed2082dad8ede9a")

where key is the Client ID and secret is Client secret.

  1. Run the app to generate a token file, .httr-oauth. Alternatively, run
# Can be github, linkedin etc depending on application
# Change based on what you   < REMEMBER TO UPDATE THESE LINES >
myapp <- oauth_app(appname = "R/Shiny Github Runchart",
                   key = "fd2195405c8488f56680",
                   secret = "fe06be1b88b010fc95dbc226eed2082dad8ede9a")

# Get OAuth credentials
github_token <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints("github"), myapp)


Getting data from the Github API was followed from https://towardsdatascience.com/accessing-data-from-github-api-using-r-3633fb62cb08