A simple experiment with cucumber in java.
The test cases/scenarios are written in the gherkin language "Given, When, Then". You don't need to know how to code, in order to write tests cases/scenarios.
It's actually common when deciding to use a framework like cucumber, that tests are specified together with product owners, requirement analysts, ux-designer or the team.
In /src/test/resources/javacucumber/doIFeelLucky.feature
the testcase is specified. (often in collaboration with others)
In /src/test/java/javacucumber/Stepdefs.java
the developer or automation engineer implements the test.
In a continuous delivery context, a requirements analyst(or team, automation engineer, developer(s), whatever lineup works for you) can together with the product owner(stakeholder) create test cases/scenarios for a user story. When these are implemented they can act like "Automated Acceptance Tests", which is the contract for releasing the feature, thus the team getting the acceptance of the stakeholder.
mvn test