The construct can be used to setup a billing alert in your AWS account. Internally it uses the cdktf and the construct library.
Terraform CLI
❯ terraform -v Terraform v0.13.5
cdktf CLI
❯ cdktf --version 0.0.17
Installing the required Terraform providers to
.❯ npm run build > @stefanfreitag/cdktf-budget_notifier@0.1.0 build /home/stefan/Private/programmieren/aws/cdktf/budget_notifier > yarn get && tsc yarn run v1.10.1 $ cdktf get Generated typescript constructs in the output directory: .gen Done in 5.84s.
Executing the tests.
❯ npm run test > @stefanfreitag/cdktf-budget_notifier@0.1.0 test /home/stefan/Private/programmieren/aws/cdktf/budget_notifier > jest PASS test/budget_notifier.test.ts ✓ minimal configuration (8 ms) Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total Tests: 1 passed, 1 total Snapshots: 1 passed, 1 total Time: 3.205 s, estimated 10 s Ran all test suites
Synthesizing the Terraform plan.
❯ cdktf synth --profile Generated Terraform code in the output directory: cdktf.out
The construct can be used in a stack. A demo stack setting up two billing alarms is shown below:
const app = new App();
const stack = new TerraformStack(app, "BudgetAlarms_Stack");
new AwsProvider(stack, "aws", {
region: "eu-central-1",
profile: "cdk"
new BudgetNotifier(stack, "BudgetAlarm_IT_Team_1", {
limit: 25,
unit: "USD",
recipients: [""],
threshold: 85,
application: "helloWorld",
new BudgetNotifier(stack, "BudgetAlarm_IT_Team_2", {
limit: 1000,
unit: "USD",
recipients: [""],
threshold: 70
The stack is deployed
❯ cdktf deploy --profile cdk
Stack: budget_notifications_stack
+ AWS_BUDGETS_BUDGET BudgetAlarmITTeam1_ aws_budgets_budget.budgetnotificationsstack_BudgetAlarmITTeam1_Test_4F9EDF62
+ AWS_BUDGETS_BUDGET BudgetAlarmITTeam2_ aws_budgets_budget.budgetnotificationsstack_BudgetAlarmITTeam2_Test_C492B60F
Diff: 2 to create, 0 to update, 0 to delete.
Do you want to perform these actions?
CDK for Terraform will perform the actions described above.
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