This repository contains an Ansible playbook to run a fio disk I/O benchmark inside a libvirt KVM guest. It supports multiple QEMU configurations including image files, the nvme:// userspace VFIO driver, and the null-co dummy block driver. Edit the files to change configuration (or check out a git commit that corresponds to the configuration you want to benchmark).
The important files are as follows:
- files/authorized_keys - ssh public keys for guest that you need to provide
- files/fio.job - the fio(1) benchmark configuration file
- files/test.xml - the libvirt domain XML
- benchmark.yml - the Ansible playbook
- hosts.template - the Ansible hosts file you need to customize
- - script to print statistics from the fio JSON output files
Run the playbook like this:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts benchmark.yml
The fio JSON output files will be written to the local /tmp directory.