
Data and code for manuscript "Boosting people’s ability to detect microtargeted advertising".

Primary LanguageR

Boosting people’s ability to detect microtargeted advertising

Data and code for manuscript "Boosting people’s ability to detect microtargeted advertising". All data & code to reproduce the analyses reported in this paper are available in this repo.


file/folder description
analysis RMarkdown analysis files
code R scripts
data Input data
output Processed files (processed data, model files, and figures)
static Static files (screenshots etc.)
.Rprofile Ensure that R loads the workflowr R package automatically, everytime the project is loaded
.gitignore Files that git should ignore
_workflowr.R Run all analyses, create outputs, and build the workflowr website
_workflowr.yml workflowr options
microtargeting_inoculation.Rproj RStudio project file