
RepHunt - is a reputation enhancer for Stack Exchange.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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RepHunt - is a simple console app for those, who want to increase their reputation on any of the sites, that are included in the Stack Exchange.

Stack Overflow Server Fault Super User
Stack Overflow Server Fault Super User
Meta Stack Exchange Web Applications Arqade
Meta Stack Exchange Web Applications Arqade
Webmasters Seasoned Advice Game Development
Webmasters Seasoned Advice Game Development
Photography Cross Validated Mathematics
Photography Cross Validated Mathematics
Home Improvement Geographic Information Systems TeX - LaTeX
Home Improvement Geographic Information Systems TeX - LaTeX
Ask Ubuntu
Ask Ubuntu

Installation & Documentation & Usage with pip

pip install rephunt
python -m rephunt -h
python -m rephunt --tag python --count 5

Title: Using transform together with nth
Asked: 4 minutes ago
Stats: 0 votes | 1 answers | 6 views | answered: no
Tags: python, pandas, pandas-groupby
Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55891019/using-transform-together-with-nth

Documentation & Usage:

Default documentation:

pip -m rephunt -h


Optional arguments:
  -h, --help
            show this help message and exit
  -s {stackoverflow,serverfault,superuser,meta,webapps,gaming,webmasters,cooking,gamedev,photo,stats,math,diy,gis,tex,askubuntu}, --site {stackoverflow,serverfault,superuser,meta,webapps,gaming,webmasters,cooking,gamedev,photo,stats,math,diy,gis,tex,askubuntu}
            select the needed site (default: stackoverflow)
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
            select the number of questions to display (default:10)
  -o {desc,asc}, --order {desc,asc}
            select order type (default: desc)
  --sort {activity,votes,creation,hot,week,month}
            select sort type (default: creation)
  -t TAG, --tag TAG
            select tag for filtering questions (default: None)
