
Module to check for http/2 support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status npm version npm downloads Coverage Status Uses greenkeeper.io


Simple module to check if certain servers out there support HTTP/2.


$ npm install --save is-http2


To make is-http2 work, you need to have openssl in a version greater than 1.0.0 installed and available in your $path.

Basic usage

isHttp2( url, options )

Description : Check if server behind given url supports HTTP/2

url : Url to check HTTP/2 support for


  • includeSpdy : optional: should SPDY be considered HTTP/2
  • openssl : optional: specify custom openssl command (i.e. '/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2k/bin/openssl')

isHttp2 returns a Promise which will be resolved with an Object containing isHttp2 and supportedProtocols.

const isHttp2 = require( 'is-http2' );

isHttp2( 'twitter.com', { includeSpdy : true } )
  .then( function( result ) {
    if ( result.isHttp2 ) {
      console.log( `${ chalk.green( '✓' ) } HTTP/2 supported by ${ host }` );
    } else {
      console.log( `${ chalk.red( '×' ) } HTTP/2 not supported by ${ host }` );

    if ( result.supportedProtocols ) {
        `Supported protocols: ${ result.supportedProtocols.join( ' ' ) }`
  } )
  .catch( function( error ) {
    console.error( chalk.red( error ) );

    process.exit( 1 );
  } );

I want to thank all these people for their great work!!!