
BGPanel Dynamic Config Deployment

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Bright Gamepanel config generator

Basic config generation with twig templates and variables from BGPanel Database.

as always: all comes as is, NxSLA


php configGetter.php does a request to the index.php of the generator.
DCD checks the RemoteADDR of the request and links a BGPanel Box.
DCD returns a json encoded string with all the configfiles + paths.
ConfigGetter does a callback at the end of the run, with the success/error rate


Goto https://{$url}/dashboard.php to get a overview of the Boxes and status of config callbacks

Generator system requirements:
  • PHP 7.0 or higher + Composer
  • Run https://{$url}/setup.php to add Callback table to BGPanelDB
Deployment system requirements:
  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • Debian/Ubuntu (for example cronjob command)

Config generator (DCD)

  • git clone this repo
  • run composer update
  • set vhost root to the index.php

Edit src/BGPanel/Db.php

set the Mysql credentials to the BGPanel Database

Automatic Deployment to gameservers

Running the ConfigGetter in cronjob to fetch and apply the latest configs

Edit ConfigGetter.php

private static $dcdConfigUrl = '' to the URL the DCD configGenerator is running

Add CronJob:

* * * * * flock -n /tmp/dcd-deployment.lock -c "/usr/bin/php /home/game/BGPanel-DCD/ConfigGetter.php >> /home/game/dcd-configgetter.log 2>&1"


php configGetter.php debug to enable debugOutput + skip random sleep

Lil manual

Add config for game

  1. Create a GameConfig php in src/GameConfig. copy for example CSGO.php
  2. Add bgpanel 'gameid' to the switchcase in ConfigBuilder::getByBGGameId() function, and map to the GameConfig create in step 1.
  3. Create a folder + template in templates folder. if possible use the same structure as on the gameserver in the GamePath. (if not, you can overwrite this path, look at GameConfig/CoD4.php for example).
  4. Add all needed configFiles in .twig templates, and add those to the TemplateData array in your GameConfig PHP.