
Optimization of L1 regularized quadratic

Primary LanguageMatlab


Optimization of L1 regularized quadratic

A method for finding an optimal solution to min (1/2)*x'Ax - b'*x + norm(tau.*x,1)

Described here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.1844

Must have these inputs:

problem.Ax - function handle for matrix vector product

problem.b - vector b

problem.tau - vector or scalar tau

Optional: problem.normA - An upper bound on the norm of matrix A (default = 1e6)

opts.optimalityMeasure - Function handle for measuring optimality (default = scaled ISTA step)

opts.accuracy - Accuracy that opt measure must reach (default = -1, see guessOptimal)

opts.maxMV - Maximum number of Ax calls allowed (default = 10000)

opts.outputLevel - How much output to display 0 - none 1 - Beginning and end 2 - Outer loop progress (default) 3 - Inner loop progress

opts.x_0 - Starting point (default=all zeros)

opts.separate - Separate into free vs zero steps 0 no 1 yes (default)

opts.guessOptimal - Stop if guessing optimality 0 no 1 yes (default)


1st argument:

x - Best solution found

g - Gradient of the smooth part of F at x

fValue - F evaluated at x

optMeasure - Optimality measure at x

numZeros - Sparsity of x

numMV - Total work in term of Ax calls

numOuterIterations - Number of outer iterations (CG cycles)

algStatus - Final algorithm status. Can be: 'optimal' - found solution to required accuracy 'maxMV' - work limit reached 'stall' - no progress during a full outer iteration 'guessOptimal' - guess that opt solution found

2nd argument: (optional and expensive! Only for debugging. Computed after each Ax call)

fValues - F value of each iterate

sparsity - Sparsity of each iterate

MVTypes - What were Ax calls used for: 0 - Initial g computation 1 - Used for first order step 2 - Used for relaxation step 3 - Used for CG step

optimalityMeasures - Optimality measures

normV - Norms of minimum norm subgradient

kkterror - KKT errors of reformulated problem

CGmvcount - Ax calls for each CG cycle

CGglobalMVlink - Current MV count after each CG cycle

reasonForCGstop - Why CG cycles were stopped: 'optimal' - Found optimal solution 'g balance' - Gradient balance triggered 'F no dec' - Not enough decrease in F 'q inc' - Too much accuracy asked for 'stall d' - Too much accuracy asked for 'stall dAd' - Too much accuracy asked for

3rd argument: (optional and expensive! Only for debugging. Computed after each Ax call) xPrevOutput - A sequence of all iterates