
like git-open but works only for azure repos

Primary LanguageShell


It's essentially like git-open and git-open works execellent with most providers, but not with azure repos (dev.azure.com). So i made this little project so i can do the same as with git open but with az-open


clone this repo to a location of your choice


echo 'alias az-open=<path/to/your/azure-open>' >> .zshrc

or you can make the script into an executable and then symlink or move it into, or add it to your $PATH


navigate to an azure repository and run $ az-open

this should print the url and then open your default browser to the azure devops repository

Unit tests

Basic verification that urls are fetched in a correct manor and that url replacements are applied correctly.

Please note that these tests assume you have substituted <expected_fetch_url> and <expected_rewritten_url> with the expected values you want to compare against. Additionally, these tests should be run within the same shell environment where the code is executed, as they rely on the current Git configuration.