
Primary LanguageJavaScript


TunedIn is a web application for musicians and music professionals to connect with one another. It was inspired by LinkedIn and built using Ruby on Rails, and React.js / Flux

Live: http://tunedin.site

###Login View:


###Create View:


###Home View:


###Profile View:


###Connections View:


###Technical Details: TunedIn allows for users to create a custom profile page, detail their experience and education, connect with other users, and create posts. Information from the database is rendered in JSON.

The following table illustrates how I implemented making connections:


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
connector_id integer not null, foreign key (references users), indexed
connectee_id string not null
status string not null, default: pending

I made it a priority to avoid duplicating data. Accordingly, this table encapsulates both connection requests and made connections. To do that I had to create a variety of associations to figure who made the request, who could accept it, and who would get a notification as a result. It seemed a bit daunting at the beginning, but after I wrapped my head around it I realized it's not so complicated.


  • Sign up/in with email or Twitter
  • Build a custom profile page and present your experience and education
  • Connect with other users
  • Create posts that only will only be seen by your connections
  • Receive notifications when users request to connect with you
  • Search for other users and visit their profile
  • Upload custom profile pictures


  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • React.js
  • Rails

###Libraries and Technologies

  • BCrypt
  • Flux
  • Paperclip
  • PostgreSQL
  • Figaro
  • Twitter-OmniAuth
    • React Router
    • Webpack
    • Heroku


  • Allow users to comment on posts
  • Create a jobs page where users can post and apply to jobs
  • Display advertisements
  • Add more components to profile (skills, endorsements)
  • Upload documents (pictures, links, presentations, videos)
  • Allow users to send private messages to connections
  • Allow users to attach links / videos to posts

Original Design Docs