
Programming language: Java 11

Framework: Spring

ORM: Hibernate

Database: MySQL

Building tool: Maven

Additional tools/libraries: Lombok, Mapstruct, Swagger, Flyway

The provided gateway management functionalities:

  • Create a new gateway using HTTP POST request against api/v1/gateways;
  • Get a specific existing gateway using HTTP GET request against api/v1/gateways/{gatewayId};
  • Get all available gateways using HTTP GET request against api/v1/gateways;
  • Update a specific gateway data using HTTP PUT request against api/v1/gateways/{gatewayId};
  • Assign or unassign list of devices to gateway using HTTP PUT request against api/v1/gateways/{gatewayId}/devices-association;
  • Delete existing gateway using HTTP DELETE request against api/v1/gateways/{gatewayId}.

The provided device management functionalities:

  • Create a new device but without the ability to connect to a gateway using HTTP POST request against api/v1/devices;
  • Get a specific existing device using HTTP GET request against api/v1/devices/{deviceId};
  • Get all available devices using HTTP GET request against api/v1/devices;
  • Update a specific device data but without the ability to connect to a gateway using HTTP PUT request against api/v1/devices/{deviceId};
  • Delete existing device using HTTP DELETE request against api/v1/devices/{deviceId}.

Concerns: Assign/unassign a device to gateway isn't possible because the idea is for the gateways to make this relation.

Bonus: The application has pre-prepared sample data.


  • Import the project as Maven one;
  • Apply JDK 11;
  • Enable Annotation Processors;
  • Do "mvn clean install";
  • Open file application-development.yml and replace values of 'spring-datasource-username', 'flyway:user', 'spring-datasource-password', 'flyway:password' with your MySQL Server credentials;
  • Run;
  • Use http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/ in your browser and you're ready to test the application.