
A set of standardised icons for popular social networking services and tools.

Social Media Icons

by Paul Robert Lloyd


Thanks for downloading these icons. If you decide to use them, please include the following attribution link somewhere on your site: https://github.com/paulrobertlloyd/socialmediaicons/

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. I claim no right of ownership to the company logos used in these icons.

Source file

A Fireworks PNG source file is included with this distribution. You can use it to edit existing icons or use as the basis for new ones.

Template files

Grey icon-less templates are provided for each of the four sizes. These have been saved as layered Fireworks PNG files, allowing them to be edited with that software. They can also be imported as flat images into other graphic editing packages, and altered using colour overlay layer effects and hue/saturation controls.

Support and icon suggestions

Feedback or suggestions should be submitted as issues on GitHub:

Release History

v1.10 — 3 December 2012

  • Added 5 new icons (App.net, Behance, Microsoft, Readability, This Is My Jam)
  • Removed 12 icons (About.me, Digg This, Formspring, Google Talk, iLike, iTunes, MSN Messenger, OpenID, Plancast, Yahoo! Messenger, Upcoming, Viddler)
  • BBC iD icon updated with new design
  • Digg icon updated with new colours
  • Instagram icon updated with new icon and colour
  • MySpace logo updated with new logo
  • Replaced ShareThis with Open Share icon
  • Twitter icon updated with new bird
  • Many icons redrawn and recoloured
  • Source file (Fireworks PNG) now included with distribution
  • Project now hosted on GitHub
  • Moved to CC 3.0 international (unported) licence

v1.9 — 24 January 2012

  • Added 7 new icons (500px, Etsy, Instagram, Pintrest, Soundcloud, Stack Overflow, Zerply)
  • Removed 8 icons (Bebo, eBay, Fire Eagle, Gowalla, Mixx, Netvibes, PayPal, Picasa)
  • AIM icon updated with new logo
  • Foursquare icon updated with revised logo
  • Google+ icon updated with new logo
  • Lanyrd icon updated to match iOS icon
  • Orkut icon updated with new logo
  • StumbleUpon icon updated with new logo
  • Subtle refinements and iteration
  • Support community opened on Get Satisfaction
  • Read Me file now markdown formatted
  • Download now includes blank icon templates

v1.8 — 21 August 2011

  • Added 5 new icons (about.me, Forrst, Google+, rdio, Speaker Deck)
  • Removed 1 icon (Ember)
  • 16x16 icons are now saved as 32-bit alpha PNG
  • Various other icon refinements

v1.7 — 20 December 2010

  • Added 1 new icon (Pinboard)
  • Removed 3 icons (Brightkite, Technorati, Yahoo Buzz)
  • Gowalla icon updated to use 'G' motif
  • Myspace icon redrawn with new logo
  • Twitter icon updated to use bird motif

v1.6 — 22 September 2010

  • Added 8 new icons (BBC iD, Formspring, Github, Lanyrd, Meetup, Plancast, Retweet, Spotify)
  • Removed 4 icons (Just Giving, Ning, OPML, Virb)
  • Digg icon updated with new brand colouring
  • iTunes icon redrawn with new logo
  • Get Satisfaction icon redrawn with new logo
  • Twitter icon updated with correct brand colouring
  • Various other icon refinements

v1.5.1 — 16 March 2010

  • Fixed border on delicious-16x16.png

v1.5 — 14 March 2010

  • Added 12 new icons (Creative Commons, Dribbble, Foursquare, Get Satisfaction, Gowalla, identi.ca, PayPal, SlideShare, Viddler, XING, Xbox, Zootool)
  • iMeem icon removed as service no longer available
  • Fire Eagle Mascot icon removed
  • Ning icon redrawn with new logo
  • Huffduffer icon redrawn
  • Outer borders are now alpha-transparent. Icons should work better on different background colours
  • Inner bevel redesigned
  • Images are now compressed. Average icon file sizes are now 50% smaller
  • This document now provides required attribution for Geotag, OPML and Share icons

v1.2 — 11 September 2009

  • Added 10 new icons (eBay, Ffffound, Goodreads, iLike, IMDb, iMeem, iTunes, Just Giving, Posterous, Wikipedia)

v1.1 — 26 July 2009

  • Added 14 new icons (AIM, Amazon, Bebo, vCard, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Nike+, OpenID, OPML, Orkut, Picasa, Skype, Virb, Yahoo Messenger)
  • QuickSnapper is now Ember
  • 16x16 icons now provided in 8-bit PNG format
  • Various visual tweaks to all icons (borders, highlights etc.)
  • Package now includes this 'Read Me' file with licence information

v1.0 — 29 June 2009

  • Initial Release (36 icons in 4 sizes)



Copyright (c) Geotag Icon Project. All rights reserved. http://www.geotagicons.com/

Geotag icon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license or LGPL.

Open Share Icon

Copyright (c) Shareaholic. All rights reserved. http://www.openshareicons.com/

Shareaholic has made the Open Share Icon free for use by others under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

You should include an attribution link back to http://www.openshareicons.com/ from your work.