
Movie Recommender System using TensorFlow is a collaborative filtering-based recommendation engine designed to provide personalized movie suggestions based on user preferences. This project showcases proficiency in machine learning and deep learning concepts, with a focus on TensorFlow as the primary framework. Key components and achievements include:

Collaborative Filtering Model:

Implemented a collaborative filtering approach using user and movie embeddings to capture user preferences and movie characteristics. TensorFlow Framework:

Leveraged TensorFlow, a leading machine learning library, to design, train, and deploy the recommendation model. Embedding Layers:

Designed and incorporated embedding layers for users and movies to learn latent representations, enabling the model to capture intricate patterns in user-movie interactions. Model Training:

Trained the model using a sample dataset, optimizing it with stochastic gradient descent to minimize mean squared error loss. Hyperparameter Tuning:

Explored and adjusted hyperparameters, such as embedding size, to optimize the model's performance. Real-time Predictions:

Implemented the model to make real-time predictions for user-movie interactions, showcasing its effectiveness in generating accurate recommendations. Scalability:

Ensured scalability by using TensorFlow Serving for deploying the recommendation model in production environments. Python Programming:

Developed the recommendation system using Python, incorporating libraries such as NumPy and Pandas for data processing. Documentation:

Created comprehensive documentation covering model architecture, data preprocessing steps, and deployment processes for seamless understanding and future maintenance. Continuous Learning:

Demonstrated commitment to continuous learning by staying informed about advancements in machine learning and recommendation systems.