a software package for phase match filtering
The software package PyMPA is an open source seismological software. It consists of some separate utilities for data preparation, the main program, and post-processing tools to obtain a catalog and verify events. PyMPA is designed to detect microseismicity from the cross-correlation of continuous data and templates.
The software was developed in the framework of a 2013-2015 bilateral project between Italy and Japan "Detection of slow slip events and space-time cluster analysis of low magnitude tremors preceding the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake and the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in Italy", and was co-funded by Ministero Affari Esteri (Italy) - Scientific and Technological Collaboration Executive Program. Further improvements to the code are planned within Project H2020 - SERA 2017-2019 http://www.sera-eu.org/.
Python installed to run the program (version 2.6 or more) is required [http://python.org] Python 3 with Obspy installed (since version 0.10.1) is supported. Installing Obspy implies Numpy, Scipy, Pandas and Matplotlib libraries. For details on installing Obspy, please, consult the [official guide] (https://github.com/obspy/obspy/wiki).
Sugan, M., A. Kato, H. Miyake,S. Nakagawa, and A. Vuan (2014), Thepreparatory phase of the 2009Mw6.3 L’Aquila earthquake by improving thedetection capability of low-magnitudeforeshocks,Geophys. Res. Lett.,41,6137–6144, doi:10.1002/2014GL061199.
Vuan A., Sugan M., Amati G., Kato A., 2017 - Improving the Detection of Low-Magnitude Seismicity Preceding the Mw 6.3 L'Aquila Earthquake: Development of a Scalable Code Based on the Cross-Correlation of Template Earthquakes, BSSA https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/ssa/bssa/article-abstract/525813/improving-the-detection-of-low-magnitude?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Vuan A., Sugan M., Chiaraluce L., Di Stefano R., 2017 - Loading rate variations along a mid-crustal shear zone preceding the MW6.0 earthquake of the 24th of August 2016 in Central Italy, Geophysical Research Letters http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2017GL076223/full
Sugan, M., Vuan, A., Kato, A., Massa, M., & Amati, G. (2019). Seismic evidence of an early afterslip during the 2012 sequence in Emilia (Italy). Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 625–635. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079617