
This repository contains some results of our research in automated security modelling and analysis of blockchain protocols by means of model-driven techniques

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This repository contains some results of our research in automated security modelling and analysis of blockchain protocols by means of model-driven techniques.


The software here contained is related to a scientific research providing a modelling and analysis framework for the automated security assessment of block chain protocols. In particular, the approach is based on model-driven principles and on the reuse of existing transformational and analysis toolchains.

Content of the repository

To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, an application to the case study of the Tweetchain protocol is reported. Up to date, this repository serves as a replication package supporting submitted papers. The repository contains the is structured in the following folders:

  • BCgenericDomainModel: this folder contains the domain model developed in Papyrus.
  • BCProfile: this folder contains the UML Profile developed in Papyrus, according to the domain model.
  • tweetChain Protocol UML model: this folder contains the UML model, developed in Papyrus, annotated with the BCProfile.
  • message_notation_tweetchain.grm: SableCC grammar specifying the notation for the message/transaction payloads.
  • tweetchain.anb: AnB notation of the Tweetchain registration scenario, generated with the specified model transformation from UML to AnB.
  • tweetchain_generated.spthy: Tamarin file as it is generated from tweetchain.anb by means of the approach of Keller.
  • tweetchain_generated_modified.spthy: tweetchain_generated.spthy where labels are added to ease the analysis.
  • tweetchain_handmade.spthy: model of the FORSE 2021 paper to allow comparison with generatd model.


  • Simona Bernardi - Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Stefano Marrone - Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Italy)
  • Josè Merseguer - Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Mariapia Raimondo - Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Italy)


To make and analyse the models, the following software is needed:


The work of Mariapia Raimondo was formerly funded by the grant "Orio Carlini" for young researchers 2019 - GARR Consortium (Italy). Currently, she is granted by INPS --- Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale (Italy) - with the XXXVI cycle PhD program.

S. Bernardi and J. Merseguer were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [ref. PID2020-113969RB-I00].


Please refer to the following papers:

  1. Raimondo, M., Bernardi, S., Marrone, S.; On formalising and analysing the tweetchain protocol; (2021) ICISSP 2021 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, pp. 781-791.
  2. Buccafurri, F., Lax, G., Nicolazzo, S., Nocera, A.; Overcoming limits of blockchain for IoT applications; (2017) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Part F130521, art. no. a26. DOI: 10.1145/3098954.3098983