Instructions for Validators

Validators testnet accounts have been reserved in pregenesis.json

Upgrade Go Version

Update Go to Version 1.22.3:

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Verify Go Version:

go version
# Output should be: go version go1.22.3 linux/amd64

Update WasmVM Library

Download the new


Move the library to the appropriate directory:

sudo mv /usr/lib/
# OR
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/

Replace or add the new binary

First clone the mainnet-rehearsal repository

cd $HOME
git clone 

Move the binary for system usage

cd mainnet-rehearsal/binary/<your_os>
tar -xvf soarchaind.tar.gz
sudo mv soarchaind /usr/local/go/bin

Initialize the Node

Initialize the node:

soarchaind init <nodeName> --chain-id soarchaintestnet-1 --default-denom utsoar

Configure the Testnet Validator Account:

soarchaind config set client chain-id soarchaintestnet-1
soarchaind config set client keyring-backend test
soarchaind keys add <keyName> --keyring-backend test --algo secp256k1 --recover

Replace the Genesis File:

Replace the binary with pregenesis.json. Your genesis.json is in the .soarchain/config directory. The file name should remain genesis.json.

Create Gentx:

soarchaind genesis gentx <keyName> 1000000utsoar --keyring-backend test --chain-id soarchaintestnet-1

After completing these steps, validators can start sending their gentx files.

Instructions for Sending gentx Pull Requests

Fork the Repository

  1. Go to the repository and click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

Clone Your Forked Repository

  1. Open your terminal and run:
    git clone
    cd mainnet-rehearsal

Create a New Branch

  1. Create a new branch for your gentx file:
    git checkout -b add-gentx-<your-validator-name>

Add Your gentx File

  1. Copy your gentx file to the gentx directory in the repository. Make sure to name the file gentx-<your-validator-name>.json:
    cp $HOME/.soarchain/config/gentx/gentx.json network/gentxs/gentx-<your-validator-name>.json

Commit Your Changes

  1. Commit your changes with a descriptive message:
    git add network/gentxs/gentx-<your-validator-name>.json
    git commit -m "Add gentx for <your-validator-name>"

Push Your Branch to GitHub

  1. Push your branch to your forked repository:
    git push origin add-gentx-<your-validator-name>

Create a Pull Request

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
    • Click the "Compare & pull request" button.
    • Add a descriptive title and comment for your pull request, then click "Create pull request".
## Description

Add `gentx` for <your-validator-name>

## Checklist

- [ ] Updated `gentx` directory with my `gentx-<your-validator-name>.json` file.
- [ ] Verified the chain-id and other parameters in my `gentx` file.
- [ ] Tested my `gentx` file with the latest network configuration.

Repository Structure After Making It Public

Ensure your repository has the following structure after making it public:

├── gentx/
│   ├── gentx-example1.json
│   ├── gentx-example2.json
│   └── ... (additional gentx files)
└── ... (other files and directories)

Additional Information

By following these steps, validators will be able to easily submit their gentx files via pull requests, and you will have a streamlined process for managing these submissions.

For more information on the WasmVM upgrade, refer to the WasmVM v1.5.2 release.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a smooth mainnet launch process. Please refactor and verify all files as needed.

Make sure to replace <nodeName> and <keyName> with the actual names you intend to use.

For any questions, we are here in our social media groups.

Thank you,
The Soarchain Team