
TJBot Node-RED Examples that use Watson Cognitive APIs

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TJBot Node-RED Examples

These TJBot Node-RED flows are an easy way to get started with bringing TJBot to Life. Node-RED is a great way to teach developers about programming without dropping them down into Node.js code.

These TJBot Node-RED recipes showcase:

  • Twitter Tone Analysis (blinks the LED colors and waves his arm on joyful tweets)
  • Speech to Text to control the LED color and waves his arm
  • Weather report
  • TJBot LED Party is a simple flow that randomly generates colors / blinks the TJBot NeoPixel
  • Watson Visual Recognition Image Classification and Text Extraction using a Pi Camera

There are screenshots posted so you can see the Node-RED flows in the Pictures directory.

If you're interested in trying these recipes on your TJBot / Raspberry Pi, find them here: https://github.com/johnwalicki/TJBot-Node-RED/flows

Node-RED flows in this repository:

This flow listens to a Twitter feed, calls Tone Analyzer, speaks the Tweets, blinks the NeoPixel different colors based on tone scores, and waves TJBots arm on joyful tweets. TJBot Twitter Tone Analysis flow

This flow records speech from a Raspberry Pi microphone. Ask TJBot the weather, say a color to set the LED, get down to Party, or ask TJBot to wave his arm. TJBot Speech to Text Control the LED color and Wave flow

This flow announces the current Weather Conditions using Text to Speech. TJBot Announce the Weather conditions using Text to Speech flow

TJBot loves to party so I created a simple flow that randomly generates colors and blinks the TJBot NeoPixel. TJBot LED Party flow

I've taught TJBot to read and identify images by using Watson Visual Recognition and Text Extraction. TJBot Visual Recognition Image Classification Text Extraction flow A browser screenshot of the "TJBot Cam" Node-RED Dashboard that shows Image Classification. TJBot Visual Recognition Image Classification Node-RED Dashboard A browser screenshot of the "TJBot Cam" Node-RED Dashboard that shows Text Extraction. TJBot Visual Recognition Image Classification Node-RED Dashboard

Node-RED Dependencies and Install Instructions

These flows use a variety of Node-RED nodes that you might need to install on your Raspberry Pi.

  • node-red-node-watson
  • node-red-dashboard
  • node-red-contrib-camerapi
  • node-red-contrib-micropi
  • node-red-contrib-speakerpi
  • node-red-node-base64
  • node-red-contrib-play-audio
  • node-red-node-pi-neopixel
  • node-red-node-weather-underground

Here are install and configuration instructions that will set up all of the node-red nodes onto your Raspberry Pi. Remember to restart the Node-RED service or reboot the Raspberry Pi after the installs complete. The --unsafe-perm is required for the successful installation of node-red-contrib-speakerpi. The libasound2-dev dependency is required for the compile of node-red-contrib-speakerpi which needs a header file alsa/asoundlib.h provided by libasound2-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
$ sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/node_modules
$ mkdir /home/pi/audio

If you have not configured ALSA and the MicroPi / SpeakerPi nodes on your Raspberry Pi, you might need to remove the following parameter from /boot/config.txt

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
# dtparam=audio=on

You might also want to make certain that you are not blacklisting too many modules in /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf

Finally, run this npm command:

$ sudo npm --unsafe-perm -g install node-red-node-watson node-red-dashboard node-red-contrib-camerapi node-red-node-base64 node-red-contrib-play-audio node-red-contrib-micropi node-red-node-pi-neopixel node-red-node-weather-underground node-red-contrib-speakerpi