DevStaff home

A Developer Community in Crete


There's a lot of us, devs, here in Crete. Yet, we hardly ever get together in large groups, or even know each other – somewhat strange for our small community, we hope you'll agree. This group is an attempt at bringing us all together for informal chats about what we're all passionate about: technology and software. Join the meetup, learn, teach, speak your mind, sharpen your skills, share the knowledge and help us build a community where devs can openly exchange ideas!

MeetUps 🔈

The list of all MeetUps held by date:

# Date Title & Link
#42 07/02/2019 Startup Idea Validation Kit
#41 10/01/2019 Disaster Recovery (DR)
#40 13/12/2018 Elasticsearch
#39 08/11/2018 Cloud-native Applications
#38 11/10/2018 Remote working: Hints, Tips, Advice, Pitfalls and Open Chat
#37 13/09/2018 Back to School - Lightning Talks
#36 12/07/2018 Season Finale - Prototyping in VR
#35 14/06/2018 IDEs: Super-charging your productivity!
#34 10/05/2018 GDPR
#33 12/04/2018 Machine Learning
#32 08/03/2018 From Coder to Manager
#31 15/02/2018 Functional Programming
#30 11/01/2018 Javascript - Node.js / React / Angular
#29 14/12/2017 Continuous Integration / Unit Testing
#28 09/11/2017 Microservices
#27 12/10/2017 Lightning Talks
#26 14/09/2017 Bitcoin, Blockchain and the future
#25 28/08/2017 2nd Birthday BBQ
#24 06/07/2017 Contributing & Maintaining Open Source Software
#23 08/06/2017 Types of Hosting
#22 11/05/2017 Agile Software Development
#21 06/04/2017 Remote Working
#20 09/03/2017 Tor
#19 09/02/2017 CMS
#18 12/01/2017 Lightning Talks
#17 08/12/2016 Working at (extremely) large scale
#16 10/11/2016 React.js - The hottest JS lib for building UIs
#15 13/10/2016 sass - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
#14 08/09/2016 Lightning talks
#13 14/07/2016 Password Management
#12 09/06/2016 NoSQL
#11 27/05/2016 Secrets of Concurrency
#10 12/05/2016 Design Patterns
#09 14/04/2016 IoT - Internet of Things
#08 10/03/2016 Start-Ups, Spin-offs
#07 11/02/2016 Developing with security in mind
#06 14/01/2016 Mobile Devevelopment
#05 10/12/2015 Unit Testing
#04 12/11/2015 Design for Developers
#03 08/10/2015 DevOps: from concept to movement to implementation
#02 10/09/2015 Node.js: Building a Restful API
#01 09/07/2015 The Git Version Control System

Subscribe to our calendar and stay informed.

Hack Sessions 🎮

You can organize your own hack session anytime.

The list of all Hack Sessions held by date:

Date Title & Link
23/01/2019 Unix CLI / Bash Scripting
17/10/2018 How to develop a Distributed App on Ethereum
03/07/2018 Kubernetes for Application Developers
07/06/2018 Docker Level 2
31/05/2018 Docker Level 1
19/01/2018 Git: Beyond the Basics
19/09/2017 Ansible Hack Session #1
01/12/2016 Django Hack Session
01/09/2016 Hashicorp Vault, AWS KMS, Chef/Ansible Vault, Consul
12/01/2016 Tor Hack Session
01/12/2015 Docker Hack Session

More hack sessions have been organized, but they are missing from this list. If you know any, please help adding them by submitting a Pull Request.

Projects 🚧

Find Open Source Software and Projects currently developed by DevStaff Members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.

Job Postings 📯

Check the job openings, posted by DevStaff members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.

Org Meetups

An org meetup is a simple get-together, open to every member of our community who would like to contribute / discuss some organizational issues, future topics etc. Also a good opportunity to chat about all-things-tech :)

DevStaff is an open community. Open, as in Open Source. If you don't like anything about the community you can change it!

Hint: Decisions are made in Org Meetups ;)

Shared Documents 📖

The documents section contains a list of general purpose documents (e.g. legal, business, presentations, etc.) that DevStaff members have freely shared to be used by others in the community. Sharing is caring, so please open a PR with any documents you might have that you feel other DevStaff members could use!

Chat Rooms 💬

The community uses a few different chatrooms based on Slack for our online daily chat. You can find there the latest tech news, interesting articles, random pieces of information and a lot of heated discussions! Drop an email to, so we can send you an invite, or just click here.

Meetups Presence Statistics

You can find Presence Statistics for some of the latest ΜeetUps.