
D8 integration for DropzoneJS.

Primary LanguagePHP

About DropzoneJS

This is the Drupal 8 integration for DropzoneJS.

###How to install:

  1. Download this module
  2. Download DropzoneJS and place it in the libraries folder
  3. Install dropzonejs the usual way
  4. Remove "test" folder from libraries folder as it could constitute a security risk to your site. See http://drupal.org/node/1189632 for more info.

You will now have a dropzonejs element at your disposal.

###Future plans:

  • A dropzonejs field widget.
  • Handling already uploaded files.
  • Handling other types of upload validations (min/max resolution, min size,...)
  • Removing files that were removed by the user on first upload from temp storage.

###Project page: drupal.org project page


  • Janez Urevc (@slashrsm) drupal.org/u/slashrsm
  • John McCormick (@neardark) drupal.org/u/neardark
  • Primoz Hmeljak (@primsi) drupal.org/u/Primsi

###Get in touch:

###Thanks: The development of this module is sponsored by Examiner.com Thanks also to NYC CAMP that hosted media sprints.