
An infinite scrolling game where Baby Professor must shoot enemies, get power-ups, and jump over spikes to stay alive as long as possible.

Primary LanguageC#


An infinite scrolling game where Baby Professor must shoot enemies, get power-ups, and jump over spikes to stay alive as long as possible.

To perform code coverage testing using Jenkins:

Required Software: Windows 7* Visual Studio 2012 Premium** Python Unity with Unit Testing Plugin Installed ReportGenerator.exe WTee NunitAdapter (version

  1. Follow the instructions found here: http://codingdebauchery.blogspot.com/2014/03/code-coverage-for-unityc.html (Don't worry, we will set your computer up on Monday to run these tests)

Throw this in your Jenkins as an exectue batch command:

:: path corrector because bug: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-3425 set PATH=%PATH:"=% generateCoverage.bat