
Own a piece of blockchain history!

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Thousand Ether Homepage

Build Setup

# run in development mode
make run

For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.


# Use the in memory test network
truffle test --network=test

How to run stuff on Rinkeby

In one terminal:

geth --networkid=4 --datadir=. --syncmode=light --ethstats='yournode:Respect my authoritah!@stats.rinkeby.io' --bootnodes=enode://a24ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2d36620ba4e4aa13b8c84684e1b4aab0cebea2ae45cb4d375b77eab56516d34bfbd3c1a833fc51296ff084b770b94fb9028c4d25ccf@ --rpc

(or this also works for Max)

geth --rinkeby --rpc --datadir=. --syncmode=light

In another terminal:

geth attach ipc:geth.ipc

Unlock an account, then we can...

truffle deploy --network rinkeby