
WordPress plugin that displays useful enviroment information

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WP details ===
Contributors: WPorb, PluginsBay, StefanPejcic
Tags: support, Maintanance, System Check, WPorb, Information, System, Site Info, System Info, Info, Theme Info, Theme Information, Site Check 
Donate link: http://wporb.com
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Display both server and WordPress information such as theme and plugin name, version, url, etc.
Useful when you request support from third party support providers.

== Description ==
Get useful information about your website such as php/mysql version, wordpress version, active theme and plugins etc. Useful when requesting support from third party providers. When they ask for website information just sent them this page.
You can copy, print, email it or download as CSV file.
Currently WP Details displays the following information:
= WordPress Information =
   * Homepage: link to your homepage
   * Version: Displays the WordPress version
   * Multisite: Detect if WP MultiSite is active 
   * Memory Limit: Displays the current WP memory limit
   * Debug Mode: Shows if WP Debug Mode is on or off 
   * Cron: Displays if the WP Cron is enabled/running 
   * Language: Displays the global language set in options
   * Upload Directory: Displays link to the media folder

= Server Stats =
   * Server Info: Displays server and PHP version
   * IP Address: Displays Server's IP address 
   * Server Protocol: Displays the server manufacturer
   * Server Web Port: Port used (reserved) by the server
   * CGI: Displays CGI version
   * PHP Version: Displays the installed version number of PHP
   * Post Max Size: Displays Post Max Size set in PHP 
   * Time Limit: Displays the current Time Limit in seconds 
   * Max Input: Displays PHP Max Input Vars
   * GD Library: Check if GD lib is activated and it's version
   * cURL Version: Displays current cURL's version
   * SUHOSIN: Displays if SUHOSIN is active and it's version
   * MySQL: Displays current MySQL version
   * Max Upload Size: Displays Max Upload Size set in MySQL
   * Time Zone: Checks if the default time zone is UTC
   * PHP Error Log: Displays link to the PHP Error Log file
   * fsockopnen: Check if fsockopen/cURL is active
   * SoapClient: Check if SoapClient is active
   * DOM: Check if DOMDocument is active/enabled
   * GZip: Check if GZip Compression method is active/supported
   * MultiByte: Check if MultiByte String is enabled
   * Remote Get: Check Remote Get's status 
= Active Theme =
   * Displays theme name, version, author URL and Child Theme
= Active Plugins =
   * Displays all activated plugins, their version and authors
   * You can also export the list as CSV or email it
== Installation ==

FROM WP ADMIN: Install from the WordPress.org respository by going to Plugins > Add New and search for wp details. Install & Activate.
BY UPLOADING: Upload and extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

== Screenshots ==

1. WordPress information
2. Server status  
3. Current Theme information
4. Active plugins information
5. Details button

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What do I use this plugin for? =
WP details plugin is used for quickly showing details about your  WordPress installation and server information. 
Useful when requesting support from third party providers. When they ask for website information just sent them this page.

= How to send this information? =
You can copy, download as .CSV print it or email it to the people you request support from.

= Where is the information? =
The information page is located under Tools > WP Details
There is also a Details item added to the nav-bar on frontend

= Are there any settings? =
Not really, just activate the plugin and it works out of the box.
You can find the WP Details page under Tools menu

= Do you provide additional support? =
We provide premium support & maintenance for WordPress users. If you need help with anything wordpress related come to our website and open the chatbox, we're happy to help. 

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 =
 * Added "Details" to admin top-bar
= 1.0 =
 * Initial version released