Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with Prometheus custom metrics
- 11
unable to get metric http_requests: no metrics returned from custom metrics API
#32 opened by harshalk91 - 0
The TLS certificate required by the Prometheus adapter cannot be built, the container engine uses containerd, and the Makefile writes docker
#46 opened by Phoebus888 - 5
Makefile:14: recipe for target 'gencerts' failed
#31 opened by k8s19 - 17
- 2
- 0
Why is this not part of core istio
#42 opened by pc-rshetty - 1
- 0
- 0
Metric Server HPA not working compatible
#33 opened by WoodProgrammer - 4
- 0
Error from server (ServiceUnavailable): the server is currently unable to handle the request (get
#29 opened by tonglv - 0
HPA not showing memory, and showing wrong CPU
#28 opened by lukebond - 1
Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the requested resource
#24 opened by akshaya-git - 1
Based on bandwidth expansion
#12 opened by hppx5456 - 2
- 2
- 0
Metrics for JVM
#25 opened by munsayac13 - 1
metrics-server failed : net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection
#7 opened by fengjian1585 - 2
- 0
Can't create new HPA
#22 opened by junpayment - 1
Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the metric http_requests for pods
#15 opened by prodanlabs - 2
cannot get anything when curl
#13 opened by junsionzhang - 0
Failed for volume "volume-serving-cert" : secrets "cm-adapter-serving-certs" not found
#19 opened by dolphyvn - 1
Questions after flowing the guidance
#17 opened by hechuan73 - 0
Custom metrics improvement
#11 opened by surendrababuravella - 0
- 2
couldn't see container_* api metrics
#9 opened by jamyao - 0
- 0
Unable to get metrics from node_exporter
#3 opened by chlung - 4
Making certificate is throwing error.
#2 opened by gkarthiks