
Simple help bot for Discord written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Discord Help Bot

  • Simple Discord bot that will send a HELP message (like --help command) to your channel after you send a !help message.

Example message


Discord Server

  • Open the Discord app
  • Click the plus icon Add a Server
  • Fill all the necessary information
  • Click Create

Create Channel

  • Click the plus icon on the left side next to the TEXT CHANNELS
  • Create a channel
  • Get the channel ID
    • Preferences > Appearance > Developer mode
    • Right click on your channel > Copy ID

Add role

  • Click on the server dropdown menu
  • Select Server settings
  • Go to Roles
  • Click the plus next to Roles
  • Create a new role
  • Copy role ID
    • Right click on the role > Copy ID
  • Set the to yourself
    • Right sidebar > Roles > check the

Create App

Create Bot

  • On the left sidebar of your application page click Bot
  • Click Add bot
  • Fill all the necessary information
  • Click OAuth2 on the left sidebar
  • Select the bot scope, Send messages and Read message history permissions
  • Copy the generated OAuth URL and open it in new tab
  • Register app to your server
  • On the Bot page copy the token

Installation & Run

  • Clone this repository
  • You can modify the HELP_MESSAGE text on the line 9
  • Replace the channel_id (line 15) with your channel ID
  • Replace the role_id (line 21) with your role ID
  • Run cargo build
  • Run DISCORD_TOKEN=<token> ./target/debug/discord-help-bot