
Sample project to demonstrate Playwright Test usage, pointing to ServeRest API and Front-end

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Badge ServeRest


This is a sample project to demonstrate Playwright Test usage, running tests against ServeRest API and Front-end.



Make sure to have the correct Node version installed, which can be found in .nvmrc file in the repository root. It is recommended to use nvm to manage different Node versions in your environment.


The project also uses Yarn, so follow the installation steps in case you don't have it.


The projects used Docker to spin up ServeRest API. Follow instructions from their official docs to install Docker engine in your environment.


Code is structured as shown below:

 ├── lib/
 │    ├── helpers.js                        # Helper functions used in tests
 ├── tests/
 │    ├── api
 │         ├── login.api.test.js            # API tests
 │    ├── e2e
 │         ├── create-user.e2e.test.js      # End-to-end tests
 │    ├── visual
 │         ├── login.visual.test.js         # Visual regression tests
 ├── playwright.config.js                   # Playwright configuration file

PS: Note that different test levels are configured to have proper extensions (e.g: *.api.test.js).

Running locally

  • Install dependencies: yarn install
  • Start Serverest server: yarn api:start
  • Run API tests: yarn test:api
  • Run End-to-end tests: yarn test:e2e
  • Run Visual Regression tests: yarn test:visual (you will need a Happo account and HAPPO_API_KEY/HAPPO_API_SECRET environment variables set)


To run Playwright in debug mode, pass the PWDEBUG=1 environment variable in the command, for example: PWDEBUG=1 yarn test:e2e

When a test fails, the project is configured to save screenshots and a trace file, inside test-reports folder. You can run Playwright's Trace Viewer with show-trace command: yarn playwright show-trace test-results/some-test-path/trace.zip

Please refer to Playwright's Debugging docs for further information on debugging features.


  • To stop running ServeRest container: docker stop serverest
  • To restart ServeRest container: docker restart serverest
  • To remove ServeRest container (no need to stop it first, the -f option will force its removal even if it is running): docker rm -f serverest


Test reports can be generated with Allure reports, following the steps below:

  • Generate report: yarn allure:generate
  • Open HTML report: yarn allure:open


The project uses GitHub Actions and tests are run automatically on PRs and on merge to main branch.