
Next major version: 6.0, incl. support for Vaadin 23 / 24

Closed this issue · 17 comments

We are still on 5.10.1, the latest version is 5.11.x. Needs to be updated and checked, if everything works as expected. Some examples may need to be updated (see for instance #156)

Will be updated to Version 6.x


  • Migrate to Lit Get rid of polymer (convert to plain HTML element based web component)
  • Migrate to TypeScript (rudimentary)
  • Remove deprecated code (that has been marked as deprecated in the previous versions)
  • Integrate fetch of entries from client side for in memory providers (so that they are always fetched, analogue to the Vaadin Grid)
  • Remove initial options and make FC automatic handle options, that are set before attachment or full init
  • Check for other breaking changes in FC 6, e.g. regarding removed or changed api / methods
  • Check for open issues, that are assigned for 4.2 and see, if they can be integrated or maybe are outdated
  • Updated examples and docs (and remove outdated ones, like the styling related)
  • Integrate builder option to auto use UI locale
  • Re-rework server side Entry and Resources to be again more static and thus easier to manager - the idea of the very dynamic JsonItem usage might be overhead we do not need?
  • Integrate prefetch option to allow simple prefetch of adjacent periods (e.g. previous and next month in month view)
  • test, test, test - and test updating

Optional Todos

  • Add referring FC documentation links to the options (e.g. for setMaxEntriesPerDayFitToRow)
  • Integrate new or missing options, remove outdated options (optional, since they always can be set using the setOption(String, ...) methods
  • Check for outdated methods on our side

Todos for Vaadin 24:

  • remove outdated methods (setPreventInvalidInput)
  • remove @NotNull annotations (or better replace them with our own, as there is no real replacement?)
  • update maven-war-plugin to 3.3.2 (demo)

Check the branch 4.2.0_dev d57d684

Instead of recopy all the CSS from the original FC repo I just merger the changes they made comparing the files.

Since v6 is now out, it might be outdated :/

Going to check v6 and if it might be a good point to translate the addon to Lit and V23

Started to start a TS / LitElement conversion together with v6.

One big change with FC6 is, that it does not require to import styles anymore. But of course, they do not had have shadow dom in mind (again), which mean, that the fc will now be slotted and thus styles will be applied like in the light dom. I am not yet sure, if I like this change or not. It will make styling easier, but also has the good old bleeding in of other styles. Currently, there is a lumo styling, that auto applies the "disabled text" color to all links (aka all normal text and numbers in the FC). :/

The typescript conversion is not yet done, it is just the minimal necessary stuff to make it compilable (so a lot of "any" usage and some ts-ignore).

LitElement is ok so far, no major impacts or downsides.

Removed for now the client side support of in memory. Target is, that the client side will always use fetching / lazy loading and only the server side provides in memory support (similar to Vaadin Grid, where the data provider might be in memory, but the grid will always fetch only the needed rows). But that is not yet implemented.

All in all the basic stuff seem to work, so I hope, that it is a good chance to take some time for cleaning up old stuff. But maybe it will be better to wait for some improvements in the FC to support shadow dom again. As said, not sure about that yet.

Options can now be set before attachment, will modify initial options on client side.
Initial options from server now only init client side initial options, no more caching on server side.
Migrated plain properties to options, as they currently are already options.
Added some pre-alpha prefetch sample.
Auto browser locale option for FC builder.
FC builder now handles initial options a bit differently (hope does not break anything) - additional "with" calls will hard override custom initial options.
Entry limit constructor deprecated.
Removed eager in memory provider, made lazy in memory provider the "normal" one.
Deactivated some tests.
Deprecated from prev version code removed.

Started prototyping for resource provider / fetch from server

Removed Todo "Fetch Resources from Server Side". This will be an optional topic for a later version as the effort is too high for the outcoming results (at least I haven't heard any issue regarding full in memory resources). Also changing that part would bring a bunch of breaking changes, therefore it is out of the list for now

There is a problem with the calendar.changeView() (#166 (comment))

This is working:

public MainView() {

        FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().build();



        Button btn1 = new Button("View", ev -> calendar.changeView(CalendarViewImpl.TIME_GRID_WEEK));
        add(btn1, calendar);

The view correctly change when the button is pressed.

There is the problem:

    public MainView() {

        FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().build();




When you try to change the view immediatly it doesn't work.

To test this create a new project with Vaadin 24, download it from

Should now be fixed. I also fixed the addon and addon-scheduler in the v6 branch to be "V24 ready", so it should be possible to use built jars from that branch with an V24 demo.

Nice, will test other stuff soon!

I also added the wiki pages as .md files inside the "/docs" folder and added stuff for release-notes, samples and migration. This could need a second pair of eyes :) (but no need for hurry on that case, this can also be done after releasing the v6)

Seems to not be fully fixed the changeView problem. It correctly work with calendar.changeView(CalendarViewImpl.TIME_GRID_WEEK); and calendar.changeView(SchedulerView.RESOURCE_TIMELINE_YEAR); but not with custom view

MyCustomView customView = new MyCustomView(75);

calendar = new MyFullTimeline(customView.getInitialOptions());

public class MyCustomView implements CalendarView {
	private final int numberOfDays;

    public MyCustomView(int numberOfDays) {
        this.numberOfDays = numberOfDays;

    public String getClientSideValue() {
        return "customResourceTimeline";

    public JreJsonObject getInitialOptions() {
        JsonFactory factory = new JreJsonFactory();
        JreJsonObject initialOptions = new JreJsonObject(factory);
        JreJsonObject durationHolder = new JreJsonObject(factory);
        durationHolder.set("days", factory.create(numberOfDays));
        JreJsonObject customViewHolder = new JreJsonObject(factory);
        customViewHolder.set("type", factory.create("resourceTimeline"));
        customViewHolder.set("duration", durationHolder);
        JreJsonObject viewsHolder = new JreJsonObject(factory);
        viewsHolder.set(getName(), customViewHolder);
        initialOptions.set("views", viewsHolder);

        return initialOptions;

    public String getName() {
        return "customResourceTimeline";

branch v6 with vaadin 14.10.0

Ok, I would take that as a known issue to be fixed soonish.

6.0.0 released. Praying for not too much upcoming issues 😄

One big change with FC6 is, that it does not require to import styles anymore. But of course, they do not had have shadow dom in mind (again), which mean, that the fc will now be slotted and thus styles will be applied like in the light dom. I am not yet sure, if I like this change or not. It will make styling easier, but also has the good old bleeding in of other styles. Currently, there is a lumo styling, that auto applies the "disabled text" color to all links (aka all normal text and numbers in the FC). :/

I am currently experiencing this issue. Is there any easy way to fix it?

What exactly do you mean / is your issue? And it would be good if you could open a new issue for that with some additional details for us to see and maybe reproduce your problem

What exactly do you mean / is your issue? And it would be good if you could open a new issue for that with some additional details for us to see and maybe reproduce your problem

I created a new Issue for this.