
Starter files for C2I week 6 homework

Primary LanguageCSS

Week 6 Homework

Your assignment for this week is to build a Channel Changer Application. You will create an application containing multiple "channel" buttons that when clicked, displays a random video from that channel.

The number and type of channels is entirely up to you.

For example, your channels could be "UFOs", "Eating Competitions" and "Vintage Screensavers".


  • Each channel in your data object must contain a title property and a videoIds property that contains an array of video IDs. Please include at least three videos for each channel.
  • Use JavaScript to render a button for each channel. The text inside the button should be the title of the channel.
  • Clicking a channel button should load a random video from the selected channel into an iframe embed inside the #tv element. This element starts empty, you must create the iframe and add it to the page.
  • Please restyle the elements on this page. I don't care what it looks like, just as long as it's not black / white / Helvetica in the end. Use the HTML structure that I've provided to start. Feel free to add additional elements if you need them for design or layout purposes.


  • First you will want to define your channels as objects inside the channels array property of the data object - I've added some commented code to show you how this can be structured
  • Next, you will need to loop over each channel in the array. You can access this array by using dot notation - data.channels. To figure out how to loop over each each item in the array, Google "Javascript array forEach".
  • For each channel, you will need to:
    1. Create a button element (hint: use document.createElement)
    2. Set the text of the button
    3. Append the button to the page.
    4. Add an event listener to the button to handle the click event
  • The function that gets called on button click needs to:
    1. Know which channel button was clicked
    2. Use that channel to pull a random video from the associated array of videoId (remember: Arrays are zero indexed and Math.random() gives you a number between 0 and 1)
    3. Update the page with an iframe that loads the random video from YouTube using their "embed" iframe code.

Get Started

  • Fork this repository by clicking the "fork" button in the top right. This will create a new repository in your GitHub account.
  • Add the repository to your computer by clicking the green "Code" button and selecting "Open with GitHub Desktop"
  • Specify where to save the project on your computer
  • Start working!

Complete Your Assignment

  • Commit all of your code
  • Enable GitHub Pages for your repository to get a link where your project is viewable
  • Submit this link directly to me via e-mail (bowermas@newschool.edu) before class on Friday
  • 🏁 All Done 🏁