
✨ A micro-frontend solution based on Vue.js.

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✨😊 A micro-frontend solution based on Vue.js. 中文 | DEMO

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  • Support dynamically add child routes to an existing route & nested route.
  • Support dynamically load sub-application & nested sub-application.
  • Support lazy load module or component from remote.
  • Support sub-application independently develop & build(need mfe plugin supports).


The micro-frontend principle implemented by Vue-MFE is based on the pedestal (App). When the pedestal project intercepts the route without matching, it will try to dynamically load the sub-application (SubApp) routes. And after the sub-application routes is successfully injected into the pedestal's routing instance this.$router, next(to) thus achieves a complete closed loop.

vue-mfe base info


npm install
npm run example


Step 1

Create the VueMfe pedestal(root) application, because we need to register the beforeHook hook of the router instance, so the router parameter is required.

import router from '@@/router/index'
import { createApp } from 'vue-mfe'

export default createApp({

Step 2

Create VueMfe sub-application, you can create arbitrary amount of them but must take care of that each prefix cannot be duplicated.

import routes from './router/routes.js'
import { createSubApp } from 'vue-mfe'

export default createSubApp({
  prefix: '/demo',
  name: '示例',
  // resources will be installed and executed sequentially
  resources: []


  • VueMfe.createApp({}: AppConfig) create the root(pedestal) application source code
import { createApp } from 'vue-mfe'

 * createApp
 * @typedef AppConfig
 * @property {Router} router required, the router instance of the root(pedestal) app
 * @property {boolean} [sensitive] optional, default is `false`,is the path sensitive or not for word case? '/AuTh/uSEr' => '/auth/user'
 * @property {string} [parentPath] optional,default is `'/'`, where the dynamically routes be injected?
 * @property {Resources} [resources] optional, the resources support async/async function or object. them will be installed and executed sequentially and SubAppConfig.resources > AppConfig.resources
 * @typedef {Object<string, {}>|Object<string, string[]>|Object<string, {}[]>} RawResource
 * @typedef {RawResource & AppConfig & SubAppConfig} Resource
 * @callback ResourcesFn
 * @returns {Resource|Resource[]|Promise<Resource>}
 * @typedef {ResourcesFn|Resource|Resource[]} Resources
 * @param {AppConfig} config
 * 1. initialize router and register the root application with its config
 * 2. register the before hook to intercepts the unmatchable route
 * 3. lazy load the resources of the unmatchable route if it has
export default createApp({
  sensitive: false,
  parentPath: '/',
  resources: () => {},
  • VueMfe.createSubApp({}: SubAppConfig) create a sub-application source code
import { createSubApp } from 'vue-mfe'

 * createSubApp
 * @typedef {Object} SubAppConfig
 * @property {string} prefix required, sup-application route prefix that needs to be intercepted
 * @property {Route[]} routes required, sup-application routes config array that needs to be dynamically injected
 * @property {string} [name] optional, sup-application name string not prefix
 * @property {(rootApp: Vue)=>boolean|Error|Promise<boolean|Error>} [init] sup-application initialize method, it receive the root app instance as the first parameter
 * @property {string} [parentPath] optional, where the sup-application routes be dynamically injected to?
 * @property {Resources} [resources] optional, an object or a function it given the resources of current application
 * @property {string} [globalVar] optional,if the resource given a global variable key
 * @property {Object<string, (() => Promise<{}>)|{}>} [components] optional, the components that need to be exposed
 * @property {[props: string]: any} [props] the other properties be register or shared as what you want
 * @param {SubAppConfig} config
 * 1. when install a sub-application calls `createSubApp(this.$router.app)`
 * 2. register current application configuration to inner `configMap`
 * 3. call the `init(app) => void|boolean` method to initialize the pre-dependencies
 * 4. dynamically install the routes to the specific parent path
 * 5. next(to), END
export default createSubApp({
  prefix: '/demo',
  name: 'example demo',
  parentPath: '/',
  // the css needs to be install as first, then the chunk-vendors, last the umd.js
  resources: ['main.xxxxxxx.css', 'chunk.xxxx.vendors.js', 'demo.xxxx.umd.js'],
  init: (rootApp) => {},
  components: {
    example: () =>
  • VueMfe.Lazy(path: string): Promise<any> lazy load module or component source code
import VueMfe from 'vue-mfe'

 * Lazy
 * @description resolve the application name by the given url, lazy load module or component from remote
 * @tutorial
 *  1. if a remote component, css styles must be inside of the component
 *  2. the remote module or component also support code-splitting
 *  3. the all properties in `SubAppConfig` could be imported dynamically
 * @param {string} url appName+delimiter+[propertyName?]+componentName
 * @param {string} [delimiter]
 * @example
 *  ```js
 *    const LazyModule = VueMfe.lazy('appName.propertyName')
 *  ```
 * @example
 *  ```js
 *    const FlowLayout = VueMfe.lazy('wf.components.FlowLayout')
 *  ```
  • VueMfe.isInstalled(prefix: string): boolean whether the application is installed or not source code
import VueMfe from 'vue-mfe'

 * isInstalled
 * @param {string} prefix


  • unit test cases
  • deploy docs by vuepress & netlify
  • update docs with newest features
  • publish package to npm registry


If it has any help or inspiration, please give me a star to lights up my days. And if you have any confusing problem just make an issue, i'll fix or answer it when i see that.