This is Zipper library.


  • It provides availability for archive (zip) files protected with password.

  • It uses php zip (ZipArchive) library.


For archivе files with password:


$zipFile = __DIR__ . '/../../';
$zipper = ZipperBuilder::aZip()->withOutput($zipFile)
    ->addFile(__DIR__ . '/file1.txt')
    ->addFile(__DIR__ . '/file2.doc')
    ->addFile(__DIR__ . '/file3.png')

Method Description

ZipperBuilder::aZip() // return instance of Builder class
 ->withOutput($path) // set ouput archive file
 ->addFile($file) // adding file to collection that will be archive
 ->withPassword($password) // optional if you want to set password for archive
 ->withAESEncryption(true) // optional (default value is false) set whether you want AES-256 encryption (supported by php 7.2 and upper)
 ->archive() // void method that performs necessary checks and creates zip archive
