
Tonuino based on ESP32 using I2S

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Tonuino based on ESP32 with I2S-DAC-support


Finally, the long announced Tonuino-PCB for Wemos' Lolin32 is there. It can (optionally) be used alongside with a headphone-pcb. As uC-develboard a Lolin32 is used and it's (optionally) battery-powered. Peripherals (Neopixel, RFID, headphone-pcb and MAX98357a) are driven at 3.3V solely.



  • 11.07.2020: Added support for reversed Neopixel addressing.
  • 09.10.2020: mqttUser / mqttPassword can now be configured via webgui.
  • 16.10.2020: Added English as supported lanuage.
  • 01.11.2020: Added directive SD_NOT_MANDATORY_ENABLE: for debugging puposes SD can be bypassed at boot.
  • 17.11.2020: Introduced a distinct volume for headphone for optional headphone-PCB.
  • 20.11.2020: Added directive MEASURE_BATTERY_VOLTAGE: monitoring battery's voltage is now supported.
  • 25.11.2020: WiFi can now be enabled/disabled instantly by pressing two buttons.
  • 28.11.2020: Battery's voltage can now be visualized by Neopixel by short-press of rotary encoder's button.
  • 28.11.2020: Added directive PLAY_LAST_RFID_AFTER_REBOOT: Tonuino will recall the last RFID played after reboot.
  • 05.12.2020: Added filebrowser to webgui (thanks @mariolukas for contribution!)
  • 05.12.2020: Moved all user-relevant settings to src/settings.h
  • 06.12.2020: Added PCB for Wemos Lolin32
  • 08.12.2020: Reworked MQTT-timeout-Management
  • 09.12.2020: mDNS-feature added. If tonuino's name is "tonuino", you can use tonuino.local instead it's of IP-address.
  • 11.12.2020: Revised GUI-design (thanks @mariolukas for contribution!) + (untested) PCB added for Wemos Lolin D32 + gerberfiles for headphone-PCB
  • 18.12.2020: Added SD-MMC 1 Bit-mode (SD_MMC_1BIT_MODE). This mode needs one GPIO less and provides almost doubled speed (compared to SPI) for FTP-transfers (thanks @tueddy for contribution!)
  • 18.12.2020: Added support for RFID-reader PN5180 (RFID_READER_TYPE_PN5180). PN5180 has better RFID-range/sensitivity and can read ISO-15693 / iCode SLIX2-tags aka 'Tonies' (thanks @tueddy for contribution!)
  • 20.12.2020: Due to memory-issues with webstreams, FTP needs to be activated by pressing pause+next-button now
    More to come...
  • 23.12.2020: User-config is now split into general part (settings.h) and develboard-specific part (e.g. settings-lolin32.h)

Known bugs

  • Some webstreams don't run. Guess it's a combination of saturated connection-pool and lack of heap-memory. Works probably better if ESP32-WROVER is used, as this chip has PSRAM. Advice: Don't enable modules (e.g. MQTT) if you don't need them as this could save memory.
  • English translation for webgui is currently outdated. This will be fixed soon when i18n-support will be integrated.


This is a fork of the popular Tonuino-project which means, that it only shares the basic concept of controlling a music-player by RFID-tags and buttons. Said this I want to rule out, that the code-basis is completely different and developed by myself. So there might be features, that are supported by my fork whereas others are missing or implemented differently. For sure both share that it's non-profit, DIY and developed on Arduino.

What's different (basically)?

The original project makes use of microcontrollers (uC) like Arduino nano (which is the Microchip AVR-platform behind the scenes). Music-decoding is done in hardware using DFPlayer mini which offers a uSD-card-slot and an integrated amp as well. Control of this unit is done by a serial-interconnect with a uC using the API provided.

The core of my implementation is based on the popular ESP32 by Espressif. Having WiFi-support out-of-the-box makes it possible to provide further features like an integrated FTP-server (to feed the player with music), smarthome-integration via MQTT, webradio and administration via webgui. However, my primary focus was to port the project to a modular base. Said this mp3-decoding is done in software with a dedicated uSD-card-slot and music-output is done via I2S-protocol. I did all my tests on Adafruit's MAX98357A, UDA1334 and headphone-pcb. Hopefully, not only in theory, other DACs that support I2S can be used as well.

Basic concept/handling of Tonuino

The basic idea of Tonuino is to provide a way, to use the Arduino-platform for a music-control-concept that supports locally stored music-files without DRM-restrictions. This basically means that RFID-tags are used to direct a music-player. Even for kids this concept is simple: place an RFID-object (card, character) on top of a box and the music starts to play. Place another RFID-object on it and anything else is played. Simple as that.


The heart of my project is an ESP32 on a Wemos Lolin32 development-board. If ordered in China (Aliexpress, eBay e.g.) it's pretty cheap (around 4€) but even in Europe it's only around 8€. Make sure to install the drivers for the USB/Serial-chip (CP2102 e.g.). But probably it's better to use it's successor (which has battery-measurement already included): Wemos Lolin D32. Or, if you're planning to hear webstreams regularly, Wemos Lolin D32 pro might be a good decision. It comes with uSD-slot onboard and because of its ESP32-WROVER-B has PSRAM included. PSRAM is used as webstream-cache and might be used more intensively in future.

Getting Started

  • Arduino-IDE can be used but you need to satisfy dependencies for all the libraries listed in platformio.ini manually.
  • Instead I recommend to install Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. This is a popular and powerful IDE that gives you the ability to install tons of (well-supported) plugins.
  • Install Platformio Plugin into Visual Studio Code and make sure to have a look at the documentation.
  • Install Git and make a copy ("clone") my repository to your local computer using git clone https://github.com/biologist79/Tonuino-ESP32-I2S.git. Using git you can keep your local repository easily up to date without doing copy'n'paste.
  • (Optional) Install Gitlens as plugin (to have advanced Git-support).
  • Now, that the git-repository is saved locally, import this folder into Platformio as a project.
  • There's a file called platformio.ini, that contains the configuration for different develboards (e.g. env:lolin32). Platformio supports hundrets of boards out of the box. So probably you need to change/extend that configuration. Guess Lolin32 is described in platformio.ini but you need Lolin D32, then lookup Platformio's documentation to know what to change.
  • Depending on your operating system (Windows, Mac OS, Linux), you probably need to change upload_portand monitor_port as well.
  • Edit src/settings.h according your needs. Especially don't forget to set HAL depending on your develboard.
  • Edit board-specific (HAL) config-file (e.g. settings-lolin32.h for Lolin32 or settings-lolin_d32.h for Lolin D32). If you're running a board that is not listed there: start with settings-lolin32.h. Specific means: it was successfully tested or is at least supposed to be working. Said this I want to outline in many cases settings-lolin32.h can be used with other boards as well (with no or just a few tweaks).
  • Connect your develboard via USB, click the alien-head to the left and run Upload and Monitor. All libraries necessary should be fetched in background now followed by code-compilation. After that, your ESP32 is flashed with the firmware.
  • Now have a look at the serial-output at the bottom of Visual Studio Code's windows.
  • If everything ran fine, at the first run, Tonuino should open an access-point with the name "Tonuino". Join this WiFi with your computer (or mobile) and enter to your webbrowser. Enter WiFi-credentials and the hostname. After saving the configuraton, restart Tonuino.
  • Now Tonuino tries to join your WiFi (with the credentials previously entered). If that was successful, an IP is shown in the serial-console of Visual Studio Code. You can call Tonuino's GUI via this IP. If mDNS-feature is active in src/settings.h, you can use the hostname configured extended by .local. So if you configured tonuino as hostname, you can use tonuino.local for webgui and FTP.
  • Via FTP you can upload data (don't expect it to be super fast). It's round about 185 kb/s if SD is in SPI-mode and 300 kB/s if SD is in MMC-mode.
  • FTP needs to be activated after boot by pressing PAUSE + NEXT-buttons (in parallel) first! Neopixel flashes green (1x) if enabling was successful. It'll be disabled automatically after next reboot. Means: you have to enable it every time you need it (if reboot was in between). Sounds annoying and maybe it is, but's running this way in order to have more heap-memory available (for webstream) if FTP isn't running.
  • Via webbrowser you can configure various settings and pair RFID-tags with actions.

Prerequisites / tipps

  • Open settings.h
  • choose if optional modules (e.g. MQTT, FTP, Neopixel) should be compiled/enabled
  • For debugging-purposes serialDebug can be set to ERROR, NOTICE, INFO or DEBUG.
  • If MQTT=yes, set the IP or hostname of the MQTT-server accordingly and check the MQTT-topics (states and commands)
  • Advice: don't enable MQTT if there's no broker around because network-timeouts can really be a PITA.
  • If Neopixel enabled: set NUM_LEDS to the LED-number of your Neopixel-ring and define the Neopixel-type using #define CHIPSET
  • If you're using Arduino-IDE please make sure to change ESP32's partition-layout to No OTA (2MB APP/2MB Spiffs) as otherwise the sketch won't fit into the flash-memory.
  • Open board-specific config-file
  • If you want to monitor battery's voltage, make sure to enable MEASURE_BATTERY_VOLTAGE. Use a voltage-divider as voltage of a LiPo is way too high for ESP32 (only 3.3V supported!). For my tests I connected VBat with a serial connection of 130k + 390k resistors (VBat(+)--130k--X--390k--VBat(-)). X is the measure-point where to connect the GPIO to. If using Lolin D32 or Lolin D32 pro, make sure to leave both resistor-values unchanged at 100k. Same for GPIO: unchanged at 35. Please note: via GUI upper and lower voltage cut-offs for visualisation of battery-voltage (Neopixel) is available. Additional GUI-configurable values are interval (in minutes) for checking battery voltage and the cut off-voltage below whose a warning is shown via Neopixel.
  • If you're using a headphone-pcb with a headphone jack that has a pin to indicate if there's a plug, you can use this signal along with the feature HEADPHONE_ADJUST_ENABLE to limit the maximum headphone-voltage automatically. As per default you have to invert this signal (with a P-channel MOSFET) and connect it to GPIO22.
  • Enabling SHUTDOWN_IF_SD_BOOT_FAILS is really recommended if you run your Tonuino in battery-mode without having a restart-button exposed to the outside of Tonuino's enclosure. Because otherwise there's no way to restart your Tonuino and the error-state will remain until battery is empty (or you open the enclosure, hehe).
  • Enabling PLAY_LAST_RFID_AFTER_REBOOT will tell Tonuino to remember the last RFID-tag played after next reboot. So rebooting Tonuino will end up in autoplay.
  • If MDNS_ENABLE is enabled, your Tonuino is reachable via hostname.local. So if your Tonuino's hostname is 'tonuino', the address is tonuino.local.

SD-card: SPI or SD-MMC (1 bit)-mode?

Having SD working is mandatory. So there are two modes available to access SD-cards: SPI and SD-MMC (1 bit).
Advantages SD-MMC (1 bit) over SPI:

  • Needs only three GPIOs (instead of four)
  • It is almost twice as fast in FTP-transfer
    So why using SPI if SD-MMC seems to be better? The primary problem of SD-MMC is: you cannot choose different GPIOs. That doesn't sound bad but this can (depending on the uSD-card-reader-module) be a problem because maybe GPIO2 is pulled HIGH to 3.3V by a resistor. For example this is the case when using the reader-module named above in hardware-setup. It's a problem because if GPIO2 is pulled high, ESP32 doesn't enter flash-mode. As soon as flash-mode is entered, it's no longer a problem. However, this behaviour can be an issue if ESP32 is deeply "burried" in Tonuino's enclosure and you want to update its firmware. But fortunately there's a way to bypass this problem: remove the pullup-resistor shown in the picture. It can be removed safely because if MMC-mode is set, pullup is done in software using pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);.

RFID: RC522 or PN5180?

RC522 is so to say the Tonuino-standard. It's cheap and works, but RFID-tag has to be placed near the reader. PN5180 instead has better RFID range/sensitivity and can read ISO-15693 / iCode SLIX2-tags aka 'Tonies'. Disadvantages: is a bit more expensive and needs more GPIOs (6 instead of 4). Refer PN5180's wire-section below for further informations.

3.3 or 5V?

  • MAX98357a: provides more power at 5 V but also runs at 3.3 V
  • Neopixel: specification says it needs 5 V but also runs at 3.3 V
  • RC522: needs 3.3 V (don't power with 5 V!)
  • SD: needs 3.3 V but if voltage-regulator is onboard, it can be connected to 5 V as well
  • Rotary encoder: 3.3 V (don't power with 5 V! Encoder doens't care if connected to 3.3 or 5 V, but GPIOs of ESP32 do!) So why choosing 3.3 V over 5 V?
  • It's not necessary to mix up 3.3 and 5 V. Natively ESP32 operates at 3.3 V.
  • If you plan to use battery-mode with a LiPo, there's no 5 V available (unless USB is connected). That's why my design's focus is 3.3 V. If you want to use 5 V - do so. The Mosfet-circuit for saving power in deepsleep (see Lolin32-schematics as reference) works as well for 5 V.

Wiring (general)

Depending on the develboard you're using and the needs you have, there are different options available. A lot of wiring is necessary to get ESP32-Tonuino working. After my first experiments on a breadboard I soldered all the stuff onto a board in order to avoid wild-west-cabling. Especially for the interconnect between uC and uSD-card-reader make sure to use short wires (like 10cm or so)! As of my experience with a breadbord, male/male-connectors are better than female/female-connectors. Important: you can easily connect another I2S-DACs by just connecting them in parallel to the I2S-pins (DIN, BCLK, LRC). This is true for example if you plan to integrate a line/headphone-pcb. In general, this runs fine. But unfortunately especially this board lacks of a headphone jack, that takes note if a plug is inserted or not. Best way is to use a headphone jack that has a pin that is pulled to GND, if there's no plug and vice versa. Using for example a MOSFET-circuit, this GND-signal can be inverted in a way, that MAX98357.SD is pulled down to GND if there's a plug. Doing that will turn off the speaker immediately if there's a plug and vice versa. Have a look at the PCB-folder in order to view the detailed solution. Here's an example for such a headphone-pcb that makes use of GND.
Have a look at my PCB in the subfolder Hardware-Platforms/Wemos Lolin32. Probably this makes things easier for you.

Wiring (2 SPI-instances: RC522 + SD)

Uses two SPI-instances. The first one for the RFID-reader and the second for SD-card-reader. This is also the setup, I personally use.

ESP32 (GPIO) Hardware Pin Comment
3.3 (5) V SD-reader VCC Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
GND SD-reader GND
15 SD-reader CS
13 SD-reader MOSI
16 SD-reader MISO
14 SD-reader SCK
3.3 V RFID-reader 3.3V Connect directly to GPIO 17 for power-saving when uC is off
21 RFID-reader CS/SDA
23 RFID-reader MOSI
19 RFID-reader MISO
18 RFID-reader SCK
5 / 3.3 V MAX98357 VIN Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
25 MAX98357 DIN
27 MAX98357 BCLK
26 MAX98357 LRC
--- MAX98357 SD Info: if pulled down to GND amp will turn off
34 Rotary encoder CLR Change CLR with DT if you want to change the direction of RE
35 Rotary encoder DT Change CLR with DT if you want to change the direction of RE
32 Rotary encoder BUTTON
3.3 V Rotary encoder +
GND Rotary encoder GND
4 Button (next)
GND Button (next)
2 Button (previous)
GND Button (previous)
5 Button (pause/play)
GND Button (pause/play)
3.3 V Neopixel 5 V Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
GND Neopixel GND
12 Neopixel DI
17 N-channel Mosfet Gate
33 Voltage-divider / BAT Optional: voltage-divider to monitor battery-voltage
22 Headphone jack Optional: if pulled to ground, headphone-volume is set

Optionally, GPIO 17 can be used to drive a Mosfet-circuit in order to switch off peripherals (SD, Neopixel, RFID and MAX98357a) if ESP32 is in deepsleep. lease refer the schematics for my Lolin32-PCB for further informations. If you need further informations on transistor-circuits visit this website.
In general I recommend using a uSD-card-reader that can be run solely with 3.3V (doesn't have a voltage-regulator). This is because if 3.3V go through the voltage regulator a small voltage-drop will be introduced, which may lead to SD-malfunction as the resulting voltage is a bit too low. Vice versa if you want to connect your reader solely to 5V, make sure to have one WITH a voltage regulator :-). And by the way: when LiPo-battery is connected, there's no 5V. That's why I designed my Lolin32-PCB with 3.3V only.

Wiring (SD-card in 1 Bit SD-MMC mode) different to above

ESP32 (GPIO) Hardware Pin Comment
-- SD-reader CS no CS required
15 SD-reader MOSI
2 SD-reader MISO make sure there's no hardware-pullup
14 SD-reader SCK

Make sure to enable SD_MMC_1BIT_MODE if you want to use this feature. SD-MMC-mode requires these fixed PINs listed above. You can find a good comparison of different SD-card-modes here: (https://www.instructables.com/Select-SD-Interface-for-ESP32/). Advice: Double check that above PINs are not used elsewhere (e.g. GPIO2 is used as PREVIOUS_BUTTON as per default in settings.h).

Wiring (1 SPI-instance: RC522 + SD) [EXPERIMENTAL, maybe not working!]

Basically the same as using 2 SPI-instances but... In this case RFID-reader + SD-reader share SPI's SCK, MISO and MOSI. But make sure to use different CS-pins. Have to admit I had some problems to get this running. Seems to be connected properly, but nothing happens when an RFID-tag is applied. Maybe anybody else wants to point out :-)

ESP32 (GPIO) Hardware Pin Comment
3.3 (5) V SD-reader VCC Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
GND SD-reader GND
15 SD-reader CS Don't share with RFID!
3.3 V RFID-reader 3.3V Connect directly to GPIO 17 for power-saving when uC is off
21 RFID-reader CS/SDA Don't share with SD!
23 RFID+SD-reader MOSI
19 RFID+SD-reader MISO
18 RFID+SD-reader SCK
5 / 3.3 V MAX98357 VIN Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
25 MAX98357 DIN
27 MAX98357 BCLK
26 MAX98357 LRC
--- MAX98357 SD Info: if pulled down to GND amp will turn off
34 Rotary encoder CLR Change CLR with DT if you want to change the direction of RE
35 Rotary encoder DT Change CLR with DT if you want to change the direction of RE
32 Rotary encoder BUTTON
3.3 V Rotary encoder +
GND Rotary encoder GND
4 Button (next)
GND Button (next)
2 Button (previous)
GND Button (previous)
5 Button (pause/play)
GND Button (pause/play)
5 / 3.3 V Neopixel 5 V Connect to p-channel MOSFET for power-saving when uC is off
GND Neopixel GND
12 Neopixel DI
17 N-channel Mosfet Gate
33 Voltage-divider / BAT Optional: voltage-divider to monitor battery-voltage
22 Headphone jack Optional: if pulled to ground, headphone-volume is set

Wiring (PN5180 instead of MFRC522) different to above

PN5180 reader needs two more pins, RESET and BUSY. Double check pin-conflicts! RFID_READER_TYPE_PN5180 needs to be enabled to use this feature. Make sure to disable RFID_READER_TYPE_MFRC522 if doing so!

ESP32 (GPIO) Hardware Pin Comment
3.3 V PN5180 RFID-reader 3.3V Connect directly to GPIO 17 for power-saving when uC is off
5 / 3.3 V PN5180 RFID-reader 5V Don't forget to connect this pin the same way as 3.3V
GND PN5180 RFID-reader GND
21 PN5180 RFID-reader CS/SDA Same as MFRC522. Don't share with SD!
23 PN5180 RFID-reader MOSI Same as MFRC522
19 PN5180 RFID-reader MISO Same as MFRC522
18 PN5180 RFID-reader SCK Same as MFRC522
16 PN5180 RFID-reader BUSY be aware of SD MISO if running in SPI mode
22 PN5180 RFID-reader RST be aware of Headphone jack PIN

Wiring (custom) / different pinout

When using a develboard with SD-card-reader already integrated (Lolin D32 Pro, several TTGO-boards), the pinouts described above my not fit. Feel free to change them according your needs. Additionaly some boards may use one or some of the GPIOs I used for their internal purposes and that reason for are maybe not exposed via pin-headers. However, having them exposed doesn't mean they can be used without limits. This is because some GPIOs have to be logical LOW or HIGH at start/boot for example and this is probably not the case when connecting stuff to it. Feel free to adjust the GPIOs proposed by me (but be adviced it could take a while to get it running). If you encounter problems please refer the board's manual first.
Here I described a solution for a board with many GPIOs used internally and a very limited number of GPIOs exposed. That's why I had to use different SPI-GPIOs for RFID as well. Please note I used a slightly modified RFID-lib there. Please note: the code-basis is outdated. Will need to re-integrate it into my master-branch...


WiFi is mandatory for webgui, FTP and MQTT. However, WiFi can be temporarily or permanently disabled. There are two ways to do that:

  • Use a special modification-card that can be configured via webgui
  • Press previous-key (and keep it pressed) + press next-button in parallel shortly. Now release both. This toggles the current WiFi-status: if it's currently enabled, it will be disabled instantly and vice versa. Please note: this WiFi-status will remain until you change it again, which means, that Tonuino will remember this state after the next reboot. Having Wifi enabled is indicated in idle-mode (no playlist active) with four white slow rotating LEDs whereas disabled WiFi is represented by those ones coloured blue.

After Tonuino-ESP32 is connected to your WiFi

After bringing Tonuino part of your LAN/WiFi, the 'regular' webgui is available at the IP assigned by your router (or the configured hostname). Using this GUI, you can configure:

  • WiFi
  • Binding between RFID-tag, file/directory/URL and playMode
  • Binding between RFID-tag and a modification-type
  • MQTT
  • FTP
  • Initial volume, maximum volume (speaker / headphone), brightness of Neopixel (nightmode / default) and inactivity-time

Webgui #1:

Webgui #2:

Webgui #3:

Webgui #4:

Webgui #5:

Webgui #6:

Webgui #7:

Webgui: websocket broken:

Webgui: action ok:

Please note: as you apply a RFID-tag to the RFID-reader, the corresponding ID is pushed to the GUI. So there's no need to enter such IDs manually (unless you want to). Filepath can be filled out by selecting a file/directory in the tree. IMPORTANT: Every time you add, delete or rename stuff on the SD-card, it's necessary to re-index the json-indexfile. Simply click on the refresh-button below the filetree and wait until it's done. This is because all operations of the filebrowser rely on this file in order to provide a fast way to access all the files and directories.

Interacting with Tonuino


It's not just simply playing music; different playmodes are supported:

  • single track
  • single track (loop)
  • audiobook (single file or playlist/folder; last play-position (file and playlist) is saved and re-used next time)
  • audiobook (loop)
  • folder/playlist (alph. sorted)
  • folder/playlist (random order)
  • folder/playlist (alph. sorted) as loop
  • folder/playlist (random order) as loop
  • webradio (always only one "track")

Modification RFID-tags

There are special RFID-tags, that don't start music by themself but can modify things. If applied a second time, it's previous action/modification will be reversed. Please note: all sleep-modes do dimming (Neopixel) automatically because it's supposed to be used in the evening when going to bed. Well, at least that's my children's indication :-) So first make sure to start the music then use a modification-card in order to apply your desired modification:

  • lock/unlock all buttons
  • sleep after 5/30/60/120 minutes
  • sleep after end of current track
  • sleep after end of playlist
  • sleep after five tracks
  • dimm neopixel
  • current track in loop-mode (is "stronger" than playlist-loop but doesn't overwrite it!)
  • playlist in loop-mode
  • track und playlist loop-mode can both be activated at the same time, but unless track-loop isn't deactivated, playlist-loop won't be effective
  • Toggle WiFi (enable/disable) => disabling WiFi while webstream is active will stop the webstream instantly!

Neopixel-ring (optional)

Indicates different things. Don't forget configuration of number of LEDs via #define NUM_LEDS

  • While booting: 1/2 LEDs rotating orange
  • Unable to mount SD: LEDs flashing red (will remain forever unless SD-card is available or SHUTDOWN_IF_SD_BOOT_FAILS is active)
  • IDLE: four LEDs slow rotating (white if WiFi enabled; blue if WiFi disabled)
  • ERROR: all LEDs flashing red (1x) if an action was not accepted
  • OK: all LEDs flashing green (1x) if an action was accepted
  • BUSY: violet; four fast rotating LEDs when generating a playlist
  • track-progress: rainbow; number of LEDs relative to play-progress
  • playlist-progress: blue; appears only shortly in playlist-mode with every new track; number of LEDs relative to progress
  • webstream: two slow rotating LEDs that change their colours as the stream proceeds
  • volume: green => red-gradient; number of LEDs relative from current to max volume
  • switching off: red; circle that grows until long-press-time is reached
  • buttons locked: track-progress-LEDs coloured red
  • paused: track-progress-LEDs coloured orange
  • rewind: if single-track-loop is activated a LED-rewind is performed when restarting the given track
  • (Optional) Undervoltage: flashes three times red if battery-voltage is too low. This voltage-level can be configured via GUI.
  • (Optional) Short press of rotary encoder's button provides battery-voltage visualisation via Neopixel. Upper und lower voltage cut-offs can be adjusted via GUI.

Please note: some Neopixels use a reversed addressing which leads to the 'problem', that all effects are shown counter clockwise. If you want to change that behaviour, just enable NEOPIXEL_REVERSE_ROTATION.


Some buttons have different actions if pressed long or short. Minimum duration for long press in ms is defined by intervalToLongPress.

  • previous (short): previous track / beginning of the first track if pressed while first track is playing
  • previous (long): first track of playlist
  • next (short): next track of playlist
  • next (long): last track of playlist
  • pause/play (short/long): pause/play
  • rotary encoder (turning): vol +/-
  • rotary encoder (button long): switch off (only when on)
  • rotary encoder (button short): switch on (when switched off)
  • rotary encoder (button short): show battery-voltage via Neopixel (when switched on and MEASURE_BATTERY_VOLTAGE is active)
  • previous (long; keep pressed) + next (short) + release (both): toggle WiFi enabled/disabled


  • music starts to play right after valid RFID-tag was applied
  • if PLAY_LAST_RFID_AFTER_REBOOT is active, Tonuino will remember the last RFID applied => music-autoplay
  • if a folder should be played that contains many mp3s, the playlist generation can take a few seconds. Please note that a file's name including path cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • while playlist is generated Neopixel indicates BUSY-mode
  • after last track was played, Neopixel indicates IDLE-mode
  • in audiobook-mode, last play-position is remembered (position in actual file and number of track, respectively) when a new track begins of if pause-button was hit
  • in webstream-mode the stream will instantly stop if WiFi-status is toggled to disabled. Tonuino will return to idle-mode and wait for new RFID-tag.


This mode is different from the other ones because the last playposition is saved. Playposition is saved when...

  • next track starts
  • first/previous/last track requested by button
  • pause was pressed
  • playlist is over (playposition is set back to the first track and file-position 0)


After having Tonuino running on your ESP32 in your local WiFi, the webinterface-configuration is accessable. Using this GUI you can configure:

  • Wifi-configuration (Wifi-SSID, Wifi-password, Tonuino's name (for nameserver))
  • Link between RFID-tag and corresponding action
  • MQTT-configuration (broker's IP)
  • FTP-configuration (username and password)
  • General-configuration (volume (speaker + headphone), neopixel-brightness (night-mode + initial), sleep after inactivity)

FTP (optional)

  • FTP needs to be activated after boot by pressing PAUSE + NEXT-buttons (in parallel) first! Neopixel flashes green (1x) if enabling was successful. It'll be disabled automatically after next reboot. Means: you have to enable it every time you need it (if reboot was in between). Sounds annoying and maybe it is, but's running this way in order to have more heap-memory available (for webstream) if FTP isn't running.
  • In order to avoid exposing uSD-card or disassembling Tonuino all the time for adding new music, it's possible to transfer music to the uSD-card using FTP.
  • Default-user and password are set to esp32 / esp32 but can be changed later via GUI.
  • Make sure to set the max. number of parallel connections to ONE in your FTP-client.
  • Software: my recommendation is Filezilla.
  • Don't expect a super fast data-transfer; it's around 180 kB/s (SPI-mode) and >=300 kB/s (MMC-mode).
  • Please note: if music is played in parallel, this rate decrases dramatically! So better stop playback when doing a FTP-transfer.

Files / ID3-tags (IMPORTANT!)

Make sure to not use filenames that contain German 'Umlaute'. I've been told this is also true for mp3's ID3-tags. Also better remove coverarts from the files.

Energy saving

As already described in the modify-section, there are different sleepmodes available. Additionaly uC will be put into deepsleep after 10 minutes of inactivity (configurable my maxInactivityTime) unless Tonuino doesn't play music, has a FTP-client connected and any input via buttons. Every button-interaction resets the counter to the initial value.

MQTT (optional)

Everything that can be controlled via RFID-tags and buttons, can also be controlled via MQTT (excepting toggling WiFi-status). All manual interactions (buttons, RFID-tags) are also sent to MQTT in parallel, so everything is always in-sync (unless Wifi/MQTT-connection is broken). In my home-setup I'm using openHAB to encapsulate MQTT into a nice GUI, that's accessible via APP + web. ToDo: Publish sample-configurations for openHAB.

Supported file/stream-types

Please refer ESP32-audioI2S, as this is the library I used for music-decoding.


As all assignments between RFID-IDs and actions (playmode, file to play...) is saved in ESP's NVS, the problem is that it's all gone when the ESP is broken. So that's where a backup comes into play. So every time you change or add a new assignment between a RFID-tag and an action via GUI, a backup-file is saved on the uSD-card. The file's name can be changed via backupFile. Again using the GUI you can use the upload-form to import such a file. To be honest: Sometimes I had some issues with Firefox doing this whereas Safari turned out to do it right. Don't know why :-(.

Smarthome (optional)

As already described, MQTT is supported. In order to use it it's necessary to run a MQTT-broker; Mosquitto for instance. After connecting to it, Tonuino subscribes to all command-topics. State-topics are used to push states to the broker in order to inform others if anything changed (change of volume, new playlist, new track... name it). Others, like openHAB, subscribe to state-topics end send commands via command-topics. So it's not just limited to openHAB. It's just necessary to use a platform, that supports MQTT. For further informations refer the subfolder.

MQTT-topics and their ranges

Feel free to use your own smarthome-environments (instead of openHAB). The MQTT-topics available are described as follows. Please note: if you want to send a command to Tonuino, you have to use a cmnd-topic whereas Tonuino pushes its states back via state-topics. So guess to want to change the volume to 8 you have to send this number via topic-variable topicLoudnessCmnd. Immediately after doing to, Tonuino sends a conformation of this command using topicLoudnessState.

topic-variable range meaning
topicSleepCmnd 0 or OFF Power off Tonuino immediately
topicSleepState ON or OFF Sends Tonuino's current/last state
topicRfidCmnd 12 digits Set number of RFID-tag which 'emulates' an RFID-tag (e.g. 123789456089)
topicRfidState 12 digits ID of current RFID-tag (if not a modification-card)
topicTrackState String Sends current track number, total number of tracks and full path of curren track. E.g. "(2/10) /mp3/kinderlieder/Ri ra rutsch.mp3"
topicTrackControlCmnd 1 -> 7 1=stop; 2=unused!; 3=play/pause; 4=next; 5=prev; 6=first; 7=last
topicLoudnessCmnd 0 -> 21 Set loudness (depends on minVolume / maxVolume)
topicLoudnessState 0 -> 21 Sends loudness (depends on minVolume / maxVolume
topicSleepTimerCmnd EOP Power off after end to playlist
EOT Power off after end of track
EO5T Power off after end of five tracks
1 -> 2^32 Duration in minutes to power off
0 Deactivate timer (if active)
topicSleepTimerState various Sends active timer (EOP, EOT, EO5T, 0, ...)
topicState Online, Offline Online when powering on, Offline when powering off
topicCurrentIPv4IP IPv4-string Sends Tonuino's IP-address (e.g.
topicLockControlsCmnd ON, OFF Set if controls (buttons, rotary encoder) should be locked
topicLockControlsState ON, OFF Sends if controls (buttons, rotary encoder) are locked
topicPlaymodeState 0 - 10 Sends current playmode (single track, audiobook...; see playmodes)
topicRepeatModeCmnd 0 - 3 Set repeat-mode: 0=no; 1=track; 2=playlist; 3=both
topicRepeatModeState 0 - 3 Sends repeat-mode
topicLedBrightnessCmnd 0 - 255 Set brightness of Neopixel
topicLedBrightnessState 0 - 255 Sends brightness of Neopixel
topicBatteryVoltage float Voltage (e.g. 3.81)