
fs bindings for tar-stream

Primary LanguageJavaScript


filesystem bindings for tar-stream.

npm install tar-fs

build status


tar-fs allows you to pack directories into tarballs and extract tarballs into directories.

var tar = require('tar-fs');
var fs = require('fs');

// packing a directory

// extracting a directory

To ignore various files when packing or extracting add a ignore function to the options

var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
	ignore: function(name) {
		return path.extname(name) === '.bin'; // ignore .bin files when packing

var extract = tar.extract('./my-other-directory', {
	ignore: function(name) {
		return path.extname(name) === '.bin'; // ignore .bin files inside the tarball when extracing

If you want to modify the headers when packing/extracting add a map function to the options

var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
	map: function(header) {
		header.name = 'prefixed/'+header.name;
		return header;

var extract = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
	map: function(header) {
		header.name = 'another-prefix/'+header.name;
		return header;

Set options.fmode and options.dmode to ensure that files/directories extracted have the corresponding modes

var extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', {
	dmode: 0555, // all dirs and files should be readable
	fmode: 0444

This is useful when the tarball was created on windows (which can result in dirs not being readable)

Copy a directory

Copying a directory with permissions and mtime intact is as simple as



Packing and extracting a 6.1 GB with 2496 directories and 2398 files yields the following results on my Macbook Air. See the benchmark here

  • tar-fs: 34.261 ms
  • node-tar: 366.123 ms (or 10x slower)
