
🍎 This is a personal guide for staying healthy.

Stay Healthy 🍎

This is a personal guide for staying healthy. It is by no means an official guide, and I am by no means an instructor or trained to teach in this field. I am just a web developer who has got a tiny belly 🐷

I will in this simple personal guide show a training program, calorie intake, meal plan and eating supplements.

Table of Contents

Training Program

Here is my training program with exercises, that I am currently doing. I am myself somewhat of a beginner. It is therefore a good idea to focus on the basics, and to perform the exercises properly. This will by far provide the best foundation in the long term.

Monday Wednesday Friday
Olympic squat Front squat Olympic squat
Rumanian deadlift Deadlift Rumanian deadlift
Bench press Incline bench press Incline dumbbell press
Bent over barbell rows Pendlay rows Dumbbell rows
Arnold press Push press Military press
Pullups Pulldowns Chinups
Cardio Cardio Cardio

I usually go 5 x 5 on each exercise and 30 minutes of cardio.

Calorie Intake

What you eat is crucial, if you want a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know your calorie intake, and the amount of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. From there you navigate whether you want to build muscle or lose fat. I want to lose fat and not to lose musles πŸ’ͺ🏻🐷. It is also important to know the balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

My personally maintaining calorie intake is 2580 calories a day. Here I will subtract 500 calories, so it will be around 2080 calories a day. People have different numbers based on age, weight and activity levels. Don’t forget to use a TDEE calculator.

I will use a split of 40% carbohydrates, 40% proteins and 20% fats. I will eat lower carb, because my body reacts quite quickly to it. It is important to point out that all numbers are indicative.

Meal Plan

I often find pleasure in having a specific plan to follow to achieve my goals. I will try to follow a plan, but not be totally strict about it.

Breakfast β˜€οΈ

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Skyr 22,0 8,0 0,4 126
MΓΌsli 3,3 18,0 2,0 109
Honey 0,0 7,5 0,0 30
Total 25,3 33,5 2,4 265

At breakfast I will around 200g skyr, 30g mΓΌsli and 10g honey.

Lunch 🍽

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Chicken 30,0 0,0 7,5 195
White rice 3,5 36,6 0,4 169
Vegetables 8,8 8,0 4,2 99
Chili mayo 0,3 2,9 2,7 39
Total 42,6 47,5 14,8 502

At lunch I will eat 150g chopped chicken, 130g white rice, 80g vegetables and a tablespoon chili mayo.

Afternoon 🍎

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Proteinbar 19,0 22,0 10,0 227
Almonds 4,2 1,8 10,0 119
Total 23,2 23,8 20,0 346,0

In the afternoon I will eat a proteinbar and 20g almonds.

After workout πŸ’ͺ🏻

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Protein powder 23,1 2,8 3,0 126
Total 23,1 2,8 3,0 126

After workout I will eat one scoop of protein powder.

Dinner 🍽

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Dinner 40,0 30,0 10,0 500
Total 40,0 30,0 10,0 500

Dinner will differ, but I will try to keep it around these numbers.

Late night πŸŒ™

Food Protein Carb Fat Calories
Skyr 22,0 8,0 0,4 126
MΓΌsli 3,3 18,0 2,0 109
Honey 0,0 7,5 0,0 30
Total 25,3 33,5 2,4 265

I just love my skyr 😬

Total πŸ“ˆ

Subject Protein Carb Fat Calories
Daily 179,5 171,1 52,6 2004
Energy balance 44,5 42,4 13,0


I want to use supplements to optimize exercise and my overall mood with vitamins, but without being fanatic.

  • Protein: Description is missing.
  • BCAA: Description is missing.
  • Creatine: Description is missing.
  • Vitamin D: Description is missing.
  • Omega-3: Description is missing.

I have been inspired by Bodylab and Buff Dudes.