Further development

  • Make a Redux Provider for the state
  • Decide on using either Tailwind or Styled Components1
  • Make better use of types for TypeScript for the Notion block components2
  • Investigate on the use of API keys for Notion3
  • Use a map for routes
  • Use a Props interface for components
  • Add ESLint for TypeScript
  • Be consistent on the use of CSS units


  • Safari bug for text gradient


  1. I started using Tailwind, but have since started using Styled Components.

  2. The implementation of Notion blocks are too JavaScript'y. We get better debugging possibilities and readability with types.

  3. It is generally not a good idea to use API keys directly in the JavaScript. I am hiding them with environment variables, but they are being deployed with Vercel. I would normally use a proxy, but that sounds overkill in this example.