
Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

WP Canvas - Shortcodes

Contributors: cbaldelomar
Donate link: http://webplantmedia.com/donate/ Tags: shortcode, shortcodes, accordion, accordions, tab, tabs, toggle, columns, column, section, sections, testimonials, border, borders, button, buttons, fullwidth, full width, notification, notifications, google maps, maps, googlemaps, social icons, progress bar, pricing, pricing box, highlights, image, flags, banners, countdown, rsvp, custom html, code, code snippets, snippets, isotope, masonry, posts, post_type, font awesome, icons, fontawesome, fa icons Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 4.5 Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

A family of shortcodes to enhance your site functionality.


Enhance your pages and posts with the following features.

  • Accordion
  • Tabs
  • Toggle
  • Columns & Sections
  • Testimonials
  • Borders
  • Buttons
  • Full Width
  • Notifications
  • Google Maps
  • Social Icons
  • Progress Bars
  • Pricing
  • Images with Flags
  • Highlights
  • Countdown
  • RSVP
  • Custom HTML
  • Code Snippets
  • Isotope / Masonry Posts
  • Font Awesome Icons

Live Demo & Documentation

Professional Support

If you need professional plugin support from me, the plugin author, you can contact me at Web Plant Media.

Plugin Development

If you're a theme author, plugin author, or just a code hobbyist, you can follow the development of this plugin on it's GitHub repository.


Thank you so much for even considering supporting my work. If you have benefited from my WordPress plugins, or are appreciative of my customer support, and feel led to send me a monetary donation, please follow the link here. I am truly thankful for your hard earned giving.


  1. Uzip the wc-shortcodes.zip folder.
  2. Upload the wc-shortcodes folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate WP Canvas - Shortcodes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the shortcodes?

Use the shortcode manager in the TinyMCE text editor


Version 1.85

  • add support for single column in wc_posts

Version 1.84

  • Added share buttons shortcode

Version 1.83

  • fixed style bug with part of the social icon was clipped
  • Fixed style bug with Google Chome icon being cut off
  • update icon css
  • Added support for share buttons
  • Added format option for social icons widget.
  • Updated Font Awesome library to version 4.5.0

Version 1.82

  • Fixed bug with restructured WP_Query class in WordPress 4.4

Version 1.81

  • Load all sharing service scripts over SSL

Version 1.80

  • changed urlencode to rawurlencode
  • Updated share links

Version 1.77

  • minor update to shortcodes row structure
  • Made sure rslider CSS is not applied to other plugins
  • Updated version number for rslides script

Version 1.75

  • Improved logic for calculating colums of masonry grid for mobile and tablet devices.

Version 1.74

  • Fixed style bug with wc_posts category links

Version 1.73

  • Added support for navigation filter to also link to category pages if there is pagination.
  • Improved speed when loading gallery format
  • Code cleanup

Version 1.72

  • Fixed bug with post filtering

Version 1.71

  • Fixed bug with responsive style for post grid layout

Version 1.70

  • Fixed style bug with post grid layout being hidden

Version 1.69

  • Bug fix with masonry

Version 1.67

  • Masonry post items now load in series when each image is loaded

Version 1.66

  • Updated images loaded library to 3.1.8

Version 1.65

  • improved heading shortcode
  • css improvement for social icons

Version 1.64

  • Update to latest version of font awesome 4.3.0
  • Fixed bug with order options not being saved on update
  • Updated settings framework
  • Updated css for double borders

Version 1.63

  • Fixed bug with masonry posts show scroll bar when loading

Version 1.62

  • Fixed bug with accordion and tabs refreshing when inside customizer preview

Version 1.61

  • Fixed bug with print share link

Version 1.60

  • Removed namespace which is not supported in php 5.2

Version 1.59

  • minor bug fix

Version 1.58

  • Added date_format attribute to posts shortcode
  • Added alt text to social icon images thus fixing validation errors
  • adding settings link in plugin list page
  • Added Print Share Button Option
  • New options framework library
  • Changed name of social media image icon widget
  • Code cleanup

Version 1.57

  • Fixed overflow style bug with wc_posts
  • Updated default attributes on wc_posts shortcode

Version 1.56

  • Fixed Readme text

Version 1.55

  • Updated TinyMCE button options for shortcodes
  • Added new layout 'grid' and template options 'box' and 'borderless' for wc_posts shortcode
  • Fixed Translation issue - thanks ziofix

Version 1.54

  • Fixed bug with image settings not previewing images

Version 1.53

  • Added Icon+Text option for share buttons
  • Deprecated an attribute in social icons shortcode

Version 1.52

  • Added font icons for share buttons
  • Now supporting font icons and images for social media buttons
  • Fixed line-height style bug

Version 1.50

  • Social icons now open a new tab by default
  • Added ability to display share buttons as text

Version 1.49

  • Added padding around price heading
  • Added helpful classnames

Version 1.48

  • Fixed bug on masonry posts layout with the shortcodes displaying in the excerpt

Version 1.47

  • Trigger custom event so other javascript elements can refresh when accordion, tabs, or toggle elements are opened.

Version 1.46

  • hide fullwidth items until they have broken free from their container.
  • Fixed problem with plugins appending text to content in wc_post shortcode display
  • Update the wc_heading shortcode

Version 1.45

  • Added theme support for social icons and share buttons
  • Clean up

Version 1.44

  • Changed gutter width to fixed pixel value instead of percentage.

Version 1.43

  • Added theme support for developers
  • Updated settings for social media icons

Version 1.42

  • Improved social icons widget

Version 1.40

  • Fixed bug with Shortcode menu button hiding when latest WooCommerce plugin was installed.
  • Added share buttons short code
  • Added options for share buttons
  • updated name of widget
  • fixed bug where we didn't enqueue media in plugin
  • optimize loading of js and css files
  • Changed name from WC Shortcodes to Shortcodes in menu
  • Updated to font awesome 4.1.0
  • removed console.log from javascript file
  • Use masonry library provided by WordPress
  • Give plugin ability to override font awesome icons in theme
  • changed links in read me

Version 1.39

  • Removed query ui for tabs and added custom tab script.
  • Removed query ui for accordion. Using custom built accordion script.

Version 1.38

  • Made an update to the responsive behavior of wc_posts short code

Version 1.37

  • Fixed bug with google maps not working

Version 1.36

  • switched out isotope library with open source masonry library
  • Increased number of pagination buttons

Version 1.35

  • wc_box short code needed line breaks inserted
  • update to image flag short code
  • changed name
  • added more options to image shortcode
  • removed unnecessary short code parameters from accordion
  • fixed style bug before accordion js was loaded
  • isotope appear and animation enabled after initial load.

Version 1.34

  • Updated plugin to be compatible with version 3.9
  • Added bottom margin to column sections when in responsive mode

Version 1.33

  • Added shortcodes for inserting Font Awesome icons.

Version 1.32

  • Added Font Awesome Icons.
  • Added option to disable Font Awesome Icons. Enabled by Default.
  • Fixed bug with no excerpt showing on isotope posts after updating to 1.31.
  • Code clean up.
  • Style fix for isotope posts.
  • Title should not overflow the content area in the isotope posts.

Version 1.31

  • Added ability to insert excerpt under video and audio templates for isotope shortcode.

Version 1.30

  • Fixed bug with isotope pagination not working on homepage.
  • Removed invalid css syntax

Version 1.28

  • Added ability to add custom class to buttons.

Version 1.27

  • Removed non GPL library.

Version 1.26

  • Separated accordion shortcodes when inserting into editor.
  • Added option to display title on google map load.

Version 1.25

  • force link in social media icons have http at beginning
  • Fixed date format string on isotope posts shortcode.

Version 1.24

  • Changed permission from read to manage_options
  • Better code formatting on pages and posts.

Version 1.22

  • Added option for countdown shortcode to control labels.

Version 1.21

  • Better responsiveness logic for isotope posts.
  • Minor improvements for image shortcode.

Version 1.20

  • Added image shortcode.
  • Appended version number to JS file so new scripts get loaded.

Version 1.19

  • Refreshed isotope display on image load.

Version 1.18

  • Navigation element needed to return string and no echo value.

Version 1.17

  • Added ability to showcase posts of any post type in an isotope / masonry layout.

Version 1.16

  • updated youtube icon

Version 1.15

  • added block display to image anchor elements
  • updated icons

Version 1.14

  • Cleaned up code
  • Added 2 more image dividers
  • more support for different theme options

Version 1.13

  • added rsvp shortcode
  • removed focus css acting as hover
  • minor css fix for countdown shortcode

Version 1.12

  • cleaned up some code

Version 1.11

  • added countdown shortcode
  • added link to testimonial author
  • added support for buttons to be positioned left, right, or centered
  • added type attribute to pricing box

Version 1.10

  • Fixed style bug for testimonials

Version 1.9

  • Appended version number to css and js files

Version 1.8

  • Email link can be either mailto address or hyperlink

Version 1.7

  • Better facebook and pinterest icons

Version 1.6

  • Fixed bug with social icons displaying even if social link was not given.

Version 1.5

  • prepended mailto to email addresses

Version 1.4

  • Fixed minor JS bugs
  • Ran Javascript through jshint
  • Fixed minor shortcode button bug in TinyMCE editor

Version 1.3

  • Fixed style bug with columns not changing width on mobile devices

Version 1.2

  • Added banner image.

Version 1.1

  • Plugin released. Everything is new!