
R Code and data for reproducing tables, figures and results for the article "The weight of culture: Societal individualism and flexibility explain large global variations in obesity"

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains data and code which allow to reproduce all analysis results presented in the article "The weight of culture: Societal individualism and flexibility explain large global variations in obesity" (Akaliyski et al., 2022), which is accessible here.

Overview of repository

The script R/run_analysis.R produces all results and figures from the article, sourcing the functions defined in R/helper_functions.R. Readily produced results are already stored in the results folder. The data loaded into the script are in data/data_51countries.csv (data for main analysis) and data/data_190countries.csv (data for missingness analysis and imputations).

Definitions of variables

The following table explains all variables in the data file data_51countries.csv. Further details, summary statistics and sources concerning these variables can be found in the article.

Column name Explanation
country Name of country
country_short ISO-3 country code
region_wb World Region according to the World Bank
obesity_m Obesity rate (BMI ≥ 30) among male population
obesity_m Obesity rate (BMI ≥ 30) among female population
overw_m Overweight rate (BMI ≥ 25) among male population
overw_f Overweight rate (BMI ≥ 25) among female population
BMI_m Average BMI among male population
BMI_f Average BMI among female population
flex Flexibility (according to Minkov-Hofstede)
indiv Individualism (according to Minkov-Hofstede)
yr_sch_m Average years of schooling among male population
yr_sch_f Average years of schooling among female population
globaliz KOF Globalisation Index
uneven_eco_dev E2: Uneven Economic Development Indicator (Fragile States Index)
gdppc_ln Natural logarithm of GDP per capita in USD, PPP
undernourish Undernourished population share
rice Rice supply in kg/person/year
mcdonalds Number of McDonald's restaurants per 100k
temp_avg Average temperature 1961-1990 in degree Celcius
wgi_avg Average of all Worldwide Governance Indicators
share_animal_prot Share of animal protein in % of calories
vegies_fruits Vegetables/fruit supply in kg/person/year
hf_efiscore Economic Freedom Index (Heritage Foundation)
wdi_emp_agr_m Employment share in agriculture among male population
wdi_emp_ind_m Employment share in industry among male population
wdi_emp_ser_m Employment share in services among male population
wdi_emp_agr_f Employment share in agriculture among female population
wdi_emp_ind_f Employment share in industry among female population
wdi_emp_ser_f Employment share in services among female population
healthexp_perc_gdp Health expenditure as % of GDP
wdi_popurb_share Urban population share
wdi_smok_m Smoking prevalence among male population
wdi_smok_f Smoking prevalence among female population
indiv_welzel Individualism (according to Beugelsdijk & Welzel)
self_expr_val Self-expression values
emancip_val Emancipative Values Index
autonomy Autonomy values
indiv_hofstd Individualism (according to Hofstede)