
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Dependency Injection

Build Status Latest Version on Packagist Software License

This package is a lightweight dependency injection container that is framework-agnostic.


PHP 8.2 or higher.


composer require stefna/di


You will always have to use the ContainerBuilder to create a Container since we don't do any automatic autowiring, so you will have to define everything you want to have access to

Configure container

To configure you container you add DefinitionSource's to the container builder.


use Stefna\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
	ClockInterface::class => fn () => new Clock(),

$container = $builder->build();

$clock = $container->get(ClockInterface::class);

Bulk configure definitions

We provide 2 definition sources that can be used to bulk define stuff.

First you have FilterDefinition that just allows you to provide any arbitrary filter that will be matched against the requested class. And if it matches it will be given the definition.



use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Definition\FilterDefinition;
use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Autowire;

// this will auto-wire all class that ends with Controller
$definition = new FilterDefinition(
	fn (string $className) => str_ends_with('Controller'),
	fn (string $className) => Autowires::cls($className)

We also provide a NamespaceFilterDefinition that makes it easier to bulk define everything in a specific namespace.

The NamespaceFilterDefinition just extends FilterDefinition and makes it easier to use with namespaces.



use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Definition\NamespaceFilterDefinition;

// this will auto-wire all class that are in App\Controller namespace
$controllerDefinitions = NamespaceFilterDefinition::autoWire('App\\Controller\\');
// this will just do a simple new $className() on all classes in App\RequestInput namespace
$requestInputDefinitions = NamespaceFilterDefinition::create('App\\RequestInput\\');

If your going to use this to provide auto-wiring to lots of classes I would recommend extending FilterDefintion and implement PriorityAware on the definition and return Priority::Low so you easily can override the "default" definition

Use with other container implementations


use Stefna\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();

$container = $builder->build();

$clock = $container->get(ClockInterface::class);


We do provide a helper that can do some lightweight autowiring.

The autowire helper will only look for dependencies in the container it will not try to auto create objects that aren't part of the container.


use Stefna\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Autowire;

interface A {}

class Obj implements A
	public function __construct(public readonly ClockInterface $clock)

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
	ClockInterface::class => fn () => new Clock(),
	Obj::class => Autowire::cls(),
	A::class => Autowire::cls(Obj::class),

$container = $builder->build();

$clock = $container->get(ClockInterface::class);


You can augment the auto-wiring with attributes.

The auto-wire helper defaults to only fetch objects from the container.

We support 2 attribute interfaces

  • ResolverAttribute can be used to resolve complex values from container
  • ConfigureAttribute can be used to reconfigure an object before injecting into class

Can be useful when you want to resolve a scalar value from something like a config storage.

final class ConfigValue implements ResolverAttribute
	public function __construct(private readonly string $key) {}

	public function resolve(string $type, ContainerInterface $container): mixed
		$config = $container->get(Config::class);
		return $config->get($this->key);

final class Test
	public function __construct(
		private readonly string $configValue,
	) {}


Can be useful when you want to reconfigure something that being injected for example setting a custom log channel for this class.

final class LogChannel implements ConfigureAttribute
	public function __construct(private readonly string $channel) {}

	public function configure(object $object, ContainerInterface $container): object
		if ($object instanceof LoggerInterface && class_exists(ChannelWrapper::class)) {
			return new ChannelWrapper($object, $this->channel);
		if ($container->has(LoggerManager::class)) {
			return $container->get(LoggerManager::class)->createLogger($this->channel);
		// don't know how to add channel just return the incoming logger
		return $object;

final class Test
	public function __construct(
		private readonly LoggerInterface $logger,
	) {}


Everything in the definition is in practice a factory.

But we provide a factory helper that can help with deduplicate factory instances and lazy instantiate the factory.


use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Factory;

class ObjFactory
	public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container)
		return new Obj($container->get(ClockInterface::class));

class ComplexFactory
	public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, string $className)
		if ($className === A::class) {
			return new Obj($container->get(ClockInterface::class));

class AutowiredComplexFactory
	public function __construct(
		private ClockInterface $clock,
	) {}

	public function __invoke()
		if ($className === B::class) {
			return new Obj($this->clock);

	ObjFactory::class => fn () => new ObjFactory(),
	Obj::class => Factory::simple(ObjFactory::class),
	ObjFactory::class => fn () => new ComplexFactory(),
	A::class => Factory::full(ComplexFactory::class),
	B::class => Factory::autoWire(AutowiredComplexFactory::class),

Autowiring factories

There are 2 ways to auto wire a factory

Option 1 add it to the container like anything else

use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Autowire;
use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Factory;

	ComplexFactory::class => Autowire::cls(),
	// or 
	ComplexFactory::class => fn () => new ComplexFactory(new Clock()),
	// looks up ComplexFactory from container and if it's not defined crashes
	A::class => Factory::full(ComplexFactory::class),

Option 2 use the factory auto wire helper

use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Autowire;
use Stefna\DependencyInjection\Helper\Factory;

	A::class => Factory::autoWire(ComplexFactory::class),

This is just a nice wrapper around option 1


We are always happy to receive bug/security reports and bug/security fixes


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.