
Qtile configuration for Wayland

Primary LanguagePython

Qtile configuration

This is my configuration for Qtile. It's geared towards Wayland and used with Waybar. If you're interested in xorg related stuff, check this branch.


Spawn or focus application

Also sometimes known as "run or raise" in other tiling window managers, such as Xmonad. The basic idea is to check if an application is already running before it's spawned. If it's running, focus the window.

The method to spawn or focus is the following:

from libqtile import qtile

def spawn_or_focus(self: Qtile, app: str) -> None:
    """Check if the app being launched is already running, if so focus it"""
    window = None
    for win in self.windows_map.values():
        if isinstance(win, Window):
            wm_class: list | None = win.get_wm_class()
            if wm_class is None or win.group is None:
            if any(item.lower() in app.lower() for item in wm_class):
                window = win
                group = win.group

    if window is None:

What happens here is that we try to find any already open window of the application by looking up all the open windows. Specifically we try to match the app with wm_class for each window.

In the event of a window match we find the group on which its on and move there. When that's done we move the group to the screen.

Should no match be found, and window remains None, it will instead spawn the app.

In the keybinds the above method can be used as:

Key("mod4", "c", lazy.function(spawn_or_focus, "signal-desktop")),

Another behavior that might be desirable is to bring the window to main pane if the window is in the stack, similar to Xmonads runOrRaiseMaster. If so, add the following to the above method:

    if window is None:
+   elif window == self.current_window:
+           try:
+               assert (
+                   self.current_layout.swap_main is not None
+               ), "The current layout should have swap_main"
+               self.current_layout.swap_main()
+            except AttributeError:
+                return
+        else:
+            self.current_group.focus(window)

This does however assume that the MonadTall layout is being used. But with little modification it can easily be adapted and used with other layouts as well.

Focus browser if urgent

I don't like when applications take focus whenever they want, and for this reason the window activation is set to urgent. However I do want to focus the browser whenever a URL is clicked, that's the only exception to the rule in my use case.

def follow_url(client: Window) -> None:
    """If Firefox is flagged as urgent, focus it"""

    wm_class: list | None = client.get_wm_class()

    for item in wm_class:
        match item:
            case item if item.lower() in BROWSER and client.group is not None:

In the above case BROWSER = 'firefox'.

Simple layout toggle

Toggle layout by name. Always go back to the default layout.

def toggle_layout(self: Qtile, layout_name: str) -> None:
    """Takes a layout name and tries to set it, or if it's already active back to monadtall"""
    assert (
        self.current_group.screen is not None
    ), "The screen should not be none for the current group"
    screen_rect = self.current_group.screen.get_rect()
    if self.current_group.layout.name == layout_name:

And in the keybinds something like:

Key("mod4", "m", lazy.function(toggle_layout, layout_names["max"]))

Fallback to default layout

I don't use many different layouts, it's usually just the standard monadtall. But when there are many windows on a group I tend to use either maxor treetab. I don't want to manually have to reset the layout after closing all the windows, so instead I use this hook to go back to monadtall if there is less than 2 windows open left on the group.

def fallback_default_layout(client: Window) -> None:
    """Reset a group to default layout when theres is only one window left"""

    if (
        not isinstance(client, Window)
        or client.group is None
        or client.group.screen != qtile.current_screen
        or client.floating is True

        win_count = len(client.group.windows)
    except AttributeError:
        win_count = 0

    if win_count > 1:

    group_name: str = client.group.name
    default_layout_index: int = 0

    qtile.to_layout_index(default_layout_index, group_name)

Send group status to Waybar

class GroupState(Enum):
    EMPTY = 1
    OCCUPIED = 2
    FOCUSED = 3

def update_waybar(*_args) -> None:
    """Update Waybar of open groups and windows"""
    existing_groups = dict.fromkeys(qtile.groups_map.keys(), GroupState.EMPTY)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    existing_groups.pop("scratchpad", None)

    current_group: str = qtile.current_screen.group.label  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    for window in qtile.windows():  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        if (
            window["wm_class"] is not None
            and window["group"] is not None
            and window["group"] in existing_groups
            existing_groups[window["group"]] = GroupState.OCCUPIED

    existing_groups[current_group] = GroupState.FOCUSED

    text: str = ""

    for group, status in existing_groups.items():
        match status:
            case GroupState.OCCUPIED:
                text += f"""<span fgcolor='{colors["primary"]}'> {group} </span>"""
            case GroupState.EMPTY:
                text += f"""<span fgcolor='{colors["secondary"]}'> {group} </span>"""
            case GroupState.FOCUSED:
                text += f"""<span fgcolor='{colors["background"]}' bgcolor='{colors["primary"]}' line_height='2'> {group} </span>"""

    with open("/tmp/qtile-groups.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as output:

    subprocess.call(["pkill -RTMIN+8 waybar"], shell=True)

And then in the Waybar config:

"custom/qtile-groups": {
    "exec": "cat /tmp/qtile-groups.txt",
    "interval": "once",
    "signal": 8,
    "tooltip": false

Send window title to Waybar


def update_window_title_waybar() -> None:
    """Update Waybar of focused window title"""
    window_title: str = (
        "" if qtile.current_window is None else qtile.current_window.name  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    with open("/tmp/qtile-window-title.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as output:
        output.write(f"<span fgcolor='{colors["text"]}'>{window_title}</span>")

    subprocess.call(["pkill -RTMIN+9 waybar"], shell=True)


"custom/qtile-window-title": {
    "exec": "cat /tmp/qtile-window-title.txt",
    "interval": "once",
    "signal": 9,
    "max-length": 50,
    "tooltip": false

Send current layout to Waybar


def update_layout_waybar(*_args) -> None:
    """Update Waybar of current layout"""
        current_layout = qtile.current_layout.name  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    except AttributeError:
        current_layout = ""

    with open("/tmp/qtile-layout.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as output:
        output.write(f"<span fgcolor='{colors["primary"]}'>{current_layout}</span>")

    subprocess.call(["pkill -RTMIN+7 waybar"], shell=True)


"custom/qtile-layout": {
    "exec": "cat /tmp/qtile-layout.txt",
    "interval": "once",
    "signal": 7,
    "tooltip": false