
This script is to update the A record on a Gandi.net DNS.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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The dns_updater.py script is used to update the A record on a Gandi DNS. Its use may be necessary when you host a server behind an internet box and this one has a dynamic public IP address while you wish to use a domain name hosted by Gandi. This is the case for example in France with the Internet service provider Orange/Sosh.


Here is the list of features:

  • Updates the IP (A record) of one or more hosts hosted by Gandi,
  • Send an email when the IP is changed.


To function properly, dns_updater.py requires a number of prerequisites. The choice of suppliers is left to your choice. An exception concerns the host of the domain name which can only be Gandi, the script is using a REST API call whose format is currently only valid at Gandi.

Here is the list of prerequisites::

  • An Internet service provider with an Internet box that allows the configuration and use of dynamic DNS services (NO-ip, DynDNS, ChangeIP, ...),
  • A dynamic DNS service accepted by the Internet box,
  • A domain name hosted by Gandi,
  • A server local to your network offering services like web/mail/ftp/...,
  • A server (which maybe the same) allowing the execution of Python scripts in version 3.


Here is a small diagram representing the architecture that will be implemented:


Some explanations are needed on the sequence of the different stages:

  1. When the IP address of the box changes, it warns the dynamic DNS service so that the new IP is associated with dynamic domain names,
  2. A scheduler (for example crontab) triggers the execution of the script dns_updater.py,
  3. The script indirectly queries the dynamic IP service name server (in fact it is the DNS server that the Python scripting server uses, for example that of your ISP),
  4. The script retrieves the IP address associated with the dynamic domain name. If this IP is different from the last retrieval, the sequence is done on step 5, otherwise ends immediately,
  5. The script updates the IP address in the A record of the domain name hosted by Gandi.


To work, this script requires a computer with Python 3 installed. It is tested and works on Windows and Linux Debian.

It requires the following Python modules:

  • os
  • sys
  • socket
  • pathlib
  • configparser
  • requests
  • json
  • datetime
  • logging
  • envelopes

If a module is missing, it must be installed using the command: pip3 install <module_name>



When launching the script for the first time, a minimalist dns_updater.ini configuration file is created in the same directory as the script. This file is of the form:



emailChangeResultSubject=[DNSUpdater] IP address changed


The script will then end and stop each time as long as the mandatory parameters have not been valued and uncommented.

Section Setting Mandatory Description
General version yes Version of the script for this INI file.
General ip no Will be automatically valued at the first launch when the mandatory parameters have been setted
General ddnsHostname yes The name of the domain hosted in the dynamic domain service (for example: mysite.ddns.net)
Reports logFile no Path to the log file.
Reports logFileWhen no Set when to rotate the file. The possible values are: S (seconds), M (minutes), H (hours), D (days), midnight (rotation at midnight) W{0-6} (days of the week starting with 0 for Monday).
Reports logFileInterval no The interval in seconds, minutes, days, ....
Reports logFileBackupCount no Number of history to keep.
Email smtpServerHost no SMTP host.
Email smtpServerPort no** SMTP port.
Email smtpServerLogin no** User login for this SMTP server.
Email smtpServerPassword no** User password for this SMTP server.
Email emailFromAddress no** Sender email address.
Email emailFromName no** Sender name.
Email emailTo no** Email recipient.
Email emailChangeResultSubject no** Subject for the email sent when the IP address is changed.
Gandi apikey yes Gandi's REST API key. Refer to page https://docs.gandi.net/en/domain_names/advanced_users/api.html
Gandi livednsRecordUrl yes URL for calling the A record update service at Gandi. Normally we don't touch it without knowing what we're doing
Gandi hosts yes The list of domain names at Gandi separated by commas (for example: mysite1.org,mysite2.net,mysite3.com). There should be no space.

* mandatory if logFile is set. ** mandatory if smtpServerHost is set.


Given the sensitive aspect of the script and its configuration, it is recommended that you only give the execution and modification rights of the script to an administrator. In Linux, this is done as follows:

chown root:root dns_updater.py
chmod 744 dns_updater.py
chown root:root dns_updater.ini
chmod 600 dns_updater.ini

On Windows or other OS, refer to its documentation to learn how to modify these rights.


The scheduling under Linux is done with crontab. Here's how to configure the script to run every 5 minutes. We will assume that the script is at this location: /opt/DnsUpdater/dns_updater.py. To modify crontab for the administrator, do this:

sudo crontab -e

In the editor that appears, add the line:

*/5 * * * * python3 /opt/DnsUpdater/dns_updater.py > /dev/null 2>&1

Bugs & new features

You can report any bugs or request changes and new features using the GitHub's issue manager: https://github.com/stefv/DnsUpdater/issues