
Devtools configurations and startup scripts

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains dotfiles and scripts for a complete development workstation. It also contains scripts to set up new machines for professional as well as personal use.


To run the install scripts, run bash bin/install.sh. You will need to run it from this project's root directory. You can run sudo -s 'bash bin/install.sh to avoid password prompts during installation. Additionally, you can run any of the scripts inside bin/ by themselves if you want. You can also uninstall everything by running bash bin/uninstall.sh or only uninstall the pieces you don't want by running the proper scripts.

CLI Tools

  • xcode commmand line tools
  • homebrew
  • zsh
  • git
  • tmux
  • vim
  • node
  • yarn
  • n
  • ack
  • mongodb
  • heroku
  • java


  • iTerm2
  • Chrome
  • Google Drive
  • Backblaze
  • 1Password
  • Slack
  • Android Studio
  • Flux
  • Visual Studio Code

Apps That Need to Be Installed Manually

  • Xcode/Instruments

Visual Studio Code

Copy .vscode/settings.json and .vscode/keybindings.json to ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User.

In the app, install the following extensions:

  • Alphabetical Sorter
  • ESLint
  • GitLens
  • macros
  • npm Intellisense
  • REST Client
  • Vim