
A clone of Trello using BackboneJS and Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Trello Clone

To practice my BackboneJS skills, I decided to clone Trello, an organization app in the browser. You can find the clone here. Users can add boards. These boards contain lists, which contain cards. These cards contain checklists, and the checklists contain checklist items.

Each checklist has a completion bar, which represents how many of the items the user has completed. The completion bar is updated in real time depending on how many items are checked off.

Users can drag and drop any of these elements (lists, cards, etc.) to reorder them. This was done using JQueryUI. Whenever the user drags and drops an element, an AJAX request is sent to the server to update the current ordering of the elements.

Todo: Enable board sharing with other users and add search bar