(In Process)
Using a mqtt listener to pass messages to a socket server that uses a pid launcher to run rutines
Sys_Startup is a PHP script used for Raspberry PI startup. Instead of filling the CRON with @reboot I use this script to run all the gadgets I want at startup
I have also included logs and log rotate using logrotate.
There is a config file sys_startup.ini If the PI is using temp probes or relays, you can set configuration in the .ini file
Dillinger is a cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, offline-storage, AngularJS powered HTML5 Markdown editor.
- Type some Markdown on the left
- See HTML in the right
- Magic
You'll need:
Raspberry pi
Mosfets or Mosfet board
Power supply for RGBW leds
- Python3
- paho-mqtt
- A running Mosquito broker
- pi-blaster
- If using relays -WiringPi by Gorden
$ npm i -g gulp
$ git clone [git-repo-url] pi-sys-start
$ cd dillinger
$ npm i -d
$ mkdir -p downloads/files/{md,html,pdf}
$ gulp build --prod
$ NODE_ENV=production node app