MaterialEggs - USD MaterialX Examples

MaterialX samples or libraries often consist of textures plugged into MtlX Standard Surface. The goal of this repo is to provide a few assets that are a bit more complex or rely more heavily on procedural patterns. Only /usd and /tex/hdri are required to load and render in your DCC of choice, with the other files and directories being optional.


Native Houdini bgeo file caches used in the modeling networks. Only needed for Houdini users checking out the materialEggs_componentBuilder source file.

Png and exr stills of the assets as well as mp4 turntable animations.

HDRIs used in the render scenes, courtesy of Poly Haven. Credit to Sergej Majboroda and Greg Zaal.

USD render scenes are found in /usd (authored from materialEggs_render.hiplc).
USD assets referenced by the render scenes are found in /usd/assets (authored from materialEggs_componentBuilder.hiplc).

Source file that contains the MaterialX shading networks and exports the final USD assets.

Source file for rendering with Karma and exporting USD render scenes.

MaterialEggs 18up

MaterialEggs 18up


  • Authored with Houdini 20 / MaterialX 1.38
  • Render Working Space: ACEScg
  • View Transform: ACES 1.0 - SDR Video
  • EXR Color Space: Linear Rec.709 (sRGB)
  • Camera position (meters): 0, 0.038, 0.42
  • Focal Length: 100mm
  • Horizontal Aperture: 20.955
  • F-Stop: 22
  • Focus Distance: 0.406