
Instantiatable flexible array implementation with familiar methods for Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Arrays for Lua


Lua provides only a few methods to work with tables. This package is an attempt to extend Lua's capabilities to work with array-like structures by introducing a wrapper with a bunch of useful and common methods which other programming languages have.

Table of contents


Via LuaRocks:

luarocks install luarray

Or directly download and include init.lua file


The module exports only one constructor function. If you ever worked with PHP then the usage will be very familiar:

local array = require "luarray" -- Require the module
local a = array("a", "b", "c") -- Instantiate an array, like in PHP
a:map(function (i, elt) return elt:upper() end):reverse():join() -- "CBA"

Key features

Negative indexing

Methods that accept indexes can also accept negative ones. In such case the counting starts from the end of an array:

array("a", "b", "c"):slice(-2) -- array("b", "c")

It also applies to the index operator:

array("a", "b", "c")[-1] -- "c"

Object-oriented approach

Each call to array() function creates a table with methods that can be chained:

array("a", "b", "c"):reverse():join() -- "cba"

nil as an element

Ordinary lua tables consider nils as a gap, which means that the behaviour of length operator or loops could be confusing at first glance. The constructor and methods consider nil as a regular element:

local a = array("a", nil, "c", nil)
a:len() -- 4

Stack methods

An array could also be used as a stack - the library provides such methods:

local a = array()
print(a) -- array("a")

Overloaded operators

The library overloads the next metamethods for arrays:

  • __index() for indexing
  • __newindex() for direct assigning
  • __len() for retrieving length
  • __concat() for concatenating arrays
  • __pairs() for usage in pairs() function
  • __eq() for deep comparison between arrays
  • __mul() for intersecting
  • __add() for union
  • __sub() for subtraction


local a = array("a")
a = a..array("b") -- array("a", "b")
a[2] -- "b"
a[3] = "c"
print(a == array("a", "b", "c"))
> true
a = a - array("b") -- array("a", "c")


Methods that accept closures will pass index and value to them in that order only - the same way as pairs() and other functions return key in first place and then the value:

array():map(function (i, elt) --[[ ... ]] end)

Also, methods that operate with array ends are named appropriately: reduceend, addend, delstart, addstart and so on.


To get all available API, please refer to api.md or run node api.js to generate documentation.

NOTE: Methods that return an array create a new one instead of modifying the current array (for a few exceptions) - the same way as JavaScript or PHP do.


Install luaunit:

luarocks install luaunit

Then run lua test.lua on Windows or ./lua test.lua on Linux