
Simple phpdoc comment parser

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP docblock comment parser

Simple PHP documentation comment parser. First, install it via composer as follows:

composer require stein197/doxer

And then use it like this:

$docblock = <<<DOC
 * Description.
 * Another line
 * of description.
 * @param int \$age Age parameter.
 * @param string \$name Name
 *                      parameter.
 * @return Person The person.
 * @throws Exception In case of errors.
$doc = new Stein197\Doxer\Doc($docblock);
if ($doc->exists()) { // Checks for existance
	$doc->getDescription(); // "Description. Another line of description."
	foreach ($doc->getTags() as $tag) { // Returns and array of Stein197\Doxer\Tag instances
		$tag->getDescription(); // Handles multiple lines of description
		$tag->getName(); // Returns the name of the tag without "@" char
		foreach ($tag->getProperties() as $name => $value) { // Returns an array of properties
			"$name=$value"; // Tag's properties such as "version", "type", etc.

Each docblock comment can have tags which start with @ sign and each tag can have an array of properties and an optional description. The next list shows which tags are currently supported:

  • @author <name> [<email>]
  • @deprecated [<version>] [<description>]
  • @license [<url>] [<description>]
  • @link <uri> [<description>]
  • @param <type> <name> [<description>]
  • @return <type> [<description>]
  • @see <uri> [<description>]
  • @since <version> [<description>]
  • @var <type> [<name>] [<description>]
  • @uses <uri> [<description>]
  • @throws <type> [<description>]

So for example if tag "@return string A string" is parsed, it's properties will only contain type entry:

$returnTag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @return string A string */'))->getTags()[0];
$returnTag->getDescription(); // "A string"
$returnTag->getProperties(); // ['type' => 'string']

But if the tag does not match any of predefined, then it will be parsed as @tag [<description>]. So for example if tag "@nonexistent string A string" is parsed, all it will contain is a description:

$tag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @nonexistent string A string */'))->getTags()[0];
$tag->getDescription(); // "string A string"
$tag->getProperties(); // null

If tag to be parsed can have properties but has incorrect syntax, properties and description will be nulls:

$tag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @param a b c d */'))->getTags()[0];
$tag->getDescription(); // null
$tag->getProperties(); // null

NOTE! If tag accepts name property which will start with $ sign (@param, @var tags), then after retrieving name property the name will be retrieved without leading "$":

$doc = new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @param Type $arg1 */');
$doc->getTags()[0]->getProperties(); // ['name' => 'arg1']


The only class that is supposed to be used is Stein197\Doxer\Doc, which accepts a docblock string as the only constructor parameter. Then the next methods could be used:

Method Return type Description
getDescription() string Returns docblock description or null if it's not present
getTags(?string $name = null) Stein197\Doxer\Tag[] Returns an array of tags or null if there are no tags present. If optional parameter is passed then only tags with matching name will be retrieved
exists() bool Returns true if doc exists. Even empty description block treats as existing one

The next table contains list of Stein197\Doxer\Tag public methods:

Method Return type Description
getDescription() string Returns tag description or null if it's not present
getName() string Returns the name of a tag without leading @ sign
getProperties() string[] Returns an array of tag properties or null if there are no properties
getProperty(string $name) string Returns single property value or null if there is no such property


To run unit tests call the test composer script:

composer run test